Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in RSA 384-B:2, I, III, IV and V and RSA 384-B:2-c, II, a bank which is well-capitalized under applicable federal rules and regulations and has a composite CAMEL rating of at least 2 as a result of its most recent examination by either its federal regulatory authority or the bank commissioner, may open a new branch if the bank does not exceed 30 percent of the dollar volume of the total deposits, time and savings, and demand of all banks, national banks, and federal savings banks and loan associations in the state as determined by the board as provided in RSA 384-B:2, I, by giving written notice to the bank commissioner at least 30 days in advance of the opening of the new branch and by paying the fee required by RSA 384-B:2, III.
Source. 1998, 139:10. 2000, 236:3, eff. July 31, 2000.