I. If, in the opinion of the commissioner, a financial institution or financial institution holding company under the supervision of the commissioner is engaging in or has engaged in any of the following:
      (a) an unsafe or unsound practice in conducting the business of such financial institution or company;
      (b) violation of a law, rule or regulation or written agreement relating to the supervision of such institution or company;
      (c) violation of any condition, imposed in writing, in connection with the approval of any application by the commissioner; the commissioner may issue and serve an order upon the trustees, directors or officers of such institution or company requiring the institution or company to cease and desist from such practice or violation.
   II. Prior to the issuance of any order to cease and desist pursuant to paragraph I, the commissioner shall give notice to the institution to be issued the order. Such notice shall contain a statement of the reasons for which the order is to be issued and the date upon which the order is to take effect. Upon petition of any interested party, the commissioner shall provide a hearing in conformity with RSA 541-A:31-36 prior to the effective date of any order issued pursuant to paragraph I.
   III. The authority granted to the commissioner in this section shall be in addition to that granted by RSA 384:6 or any other law pertaining to the commissioner's authority.
   IV. If, in the opinion of the commissioner, an individual or business entity is engaging in or has engaged in any act or conduct in violation of RSA 384:67, the commissioner may issue and serve an order upon the individual or business entity requiring the individual or business entity to cease and desist from such act or conduct.
   V. Any individual or business entity who knowingly violates any order of the commissioner made pursuant to paragraph IV of this section may, upon notice and opportunity for hearing, be subject to suspension or revocation of any registration or license, or imposition of an administrative fine not to exceed $2,500 for each violation, or both. Each of the acts or conduct specified shall constitute a separate violation.
Source. 1985, 221:1. 1994, 412:45. 2003, 238:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2004. 2008, 121:1, 2, eff. June 3, 2008.