If, upon the expiration of 60 days from the date of notice under RSA 385:1, such person shall have failed to pay the amount due for the use or rent of such safe or box in full to the date of such notice, all right of such person in such safe or box and of access thereto shall cease. Such corporation may in the presence of an officer of such corporation and of a notary public not an officer or in the general employ of such corporation, cause such safe or box to be opened. Such notary public shall remove the contents thereof, make a list of them, seal up such contents in a package, and mark thereon the name of the person in whose name such safe or box stood on the books of such corporation and his address as stated on said books. Such package shall in the presence of said notary public and of said officer of such corporation be placed in one of the storage vaults of such corporation. The proceedings of such notary public, including the list of the contents of the safe or box and his estimate of the total value of said contents, shall be set forth by him in his own handwriting and under his official seal in a book kept by such corporation for the purpose. The officer of such corporation who sent the written notice shall in the same book state his proceedings relative thereto, setting forth a copy of said notice.
Source. 1927, 110:1. RL 417:2. RSA 385:2. 1991, 60:2. 1999, 66:2, eff. Jan. 1, 2000.