I. In deciding whether or not to grant the petition, the board shall consider the factors set forth in RSA 392:5, II. Upon reaching its decision, the board shall make a record thereof. If the petition is denied, it shall be dismissed and no new petition concerning the same company may be filed within one year thereafter.
   II. If in any case the board shall be of the opinion that the petition does not satisfy the factors in RSA 392:5, II by the exercise proposed by the trust company of all the powers and privileges which are included in the petition, but that the same would be satisfied by the exercise of a part thereof, it shall so notify the petitioners; and in such case the petitioners may have leave to withdraw, and may at once file another petition setting forth new organizational documents, upon which the same procedure shall be had as upon the original petition.
Source. 1915, 109:4. PL 265:8. RL 313:8. RSA 392:8. 1969, 408:1. 1998, 139:22, V, eff. Aug. 8, 1998. 2006, 320:17, eff. Aug. 19, 2006.