I. All confidential information received in connection with any petition or application of or concerning a family fiduciary services company shall be confidential communications, shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not be made public unless, in the judgment of the commissioner, the ends of justice and the public advantage will be served by the publication of the information. The commissioner may, at his or her discretion on request or otherwise, determine that confidential information received in connection with any petition or application of or concerning a public trust company other than a family fiduciary services company should not be publicly available, in which case such information shall be confidential communications, shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not be disclosed unless, in the judgment of the commissioner, the ends of justice and the public advantage will be served by the disclosure of the information.
   II. The commissioner shall give to the affected trust company 10-days prior written notice of intent to disclose confidential information directly or indirectly to the public. Any trust company which receives a notice may object to the disclosure of the confidential information and shall be afforded the right to a hearing in accordance with the provisions of RSA 383. If a trust company requests a hearing, the commissioner may not reveal confidential information prior to the conclusion of the hearing and a ruling. Prior to dissemination of any confidential information, the commissioner shall require a written agreement not to reveal the confidential information by the party receiving the confidential information. In no event shall the commissioner disclose confidential information to the general public, any competitor, or any potential competitor of a trust company.
   III. Nothing in this chapter is intended to preclude a law enforcement officer from gaining access to otherwise confidential records by subpoena, court order, search warrant, or other lawful means. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the commissioner shall have the ability to share information with other out of state or federal regulators with whom the department has an information sharing agreement. Nothing in this chapter is intended to preclude any agency of the state of New Hampshire from gaining access to otherwise confidential records in accordance with any applicable law, including in connection with an investigation or review of the secretary of state conducted in accordance with RSA 421-B.
Source. 2006, 320:19, eff. Aug. 19, 2006.