I. Upon any voluntary dissolution of a domestic mutual insurance holding company, its assets remaining after discharge of its indebtedness, if any, and expenses of administration, shall be distributed to existing persons who were its members at any time within the 3-year period preceding the date such liquidation was authorized or ordered, or date of last termination of the insurer's certificate of authority, whichever date is earlier; except, if the commissioner has reason to believe that those in charge of the management of the mutual insurance holding company have caused or encouraged the reduction of the number of members of the insurer in anticipation of liquidation and for the purpose of reducing thereby the number of persons who may be entitled to share in distribution of the insurer's assets, the commissioner may enlarge the 3-year qualification period by such additional time as the commissioner may deem to be reasonable.
   II. The distributive share of each such member shall be determined by a formula based upon such reasonable classifications of members as the commissioner may approve.
Source. 2000, 247:1, eff. June 8, 2000.