I. Foreign unlicensed companies that satisfy the provisions of RSA 405:26 and are approved by the commissioner as unadmitted surplus lines companies are not subject to any statutory or regulatory provision unless the statute or regulation specifically references unadmitted surplus lines companies; provided however, unadmitted surplus lines companies shall be subject to RSA 417:1 through RSA 417:22.
   II. The commissioner, pursuant to RSA 402-J, may issue a producer license to a resident of the state permitting the producer named therein to procure insurance policies and contracts of insurance or suretyship to be effective in this state in foreign insurance companies not authorized to transact business in this state, but which are duly authorized to do business in some state having an insurance commissioner. Such insurance or suretyship placed with an unadmitted surplus lines company shall be for such amount as the producer cannot place with an admitted company, and shall not be placed until the producer has first satisfied the insurance commissioner that the producer cannot procure such an insurance in an admitted company. Before delivering to the insured a policy or binder of insurance written under the provisions of this section, every producer shall have stamped in a form approved by the commissioner on the face of the binder or policy the following: ""The company issuing this policy has not been licensed by the state of New Hampshire and the rates charged have not been approved by the commissioner of insurance. If the company issuing this policy becomes insolvent, the New Hampshire insurance guaranty fund shall not be liable for any claims made against the policy.''
Source. 1911, 168:1. PL 275:20. RL 325:25. 1947, 173:1. RSA 405:24. 1959, 206:1. 1969, 366:6. 1983, 473:12. 1986, 59:1. 2000, 315:12. 2001, 95:5, eff. Aug. 20, 2001. 2008, 255:2, eff. Aug. 25, 2008.