I. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this chapter or of any other law, 2 or more insurance companies authorized to carry on the business of health insurance in this state may join together to offer to any resident of this state who has reached or passed his sixty-fifth birthday and to the spouse of such resident, insurance against major financial loss from accident or disease. Such insurance may be offered by such companies in their own names or in the name of a voluntary unincorporated association or other organization formed by such companies solely for the purpose of offering this type of insurance. The forms of applications, certificates and policies of such insurance and the applicable premium rates shall be filed with the insurance commissioner and shall conform to the requirements of this chapter as to forms of policies of accident and sickness insurance so far as practical and applicable and the commissioner may require such additional pertinent information as he may deem necessary and require deviation from the statutory provisions for the forms of such policies.
   II. The joint action authorized by this section may be taken in connection with a plan to offer such insurance to residents of other states in combination with insurance offered to residents of this state subject to approval by the insurance commissioner.
   III. A financial summary concerning any insurance written under the authority of this section shall be furnished annually to the insurance commissioner in such form as he may prescribe. If the insurance commissioner finds that any forms for such insurance are not in the public interest or that the premium rates charged are by reasonable assumptions excessive in relation to the benefits provided, he may disapprove such forms or premium rates after notice of at least 20 days and hearing. Any person aggrieved by any order or decision of the insurance commissioner under this section shall be entitled to a rehearing and appeal in accordance with the provisions of RSA 541.
Source. 1963, 295:1, eff. Sept. 1, 1963.