Any person or entity regulated under title XXXVII which has reason to believe that an insurance fraud or insurance-related criminal activity has been committed shall make a report to the unit within 60 days or within a shorter period under such circumstances as the commissioner may prescribe by rule. No waiver of any such regulated person's or entity's applicable privilege or claim of confidentiality in the documents, materials or information shall occur as a result of such disclosure to the unit. Such report shall be made on a form prescribed by the unit and shall contain the information requested and such additional information as the unit may require. The unit shall review such report and select such claims as, in its judgment, warrant further investigation. In the absence of fraud or malice, no public official or insurance company or person who furnishes information on behalf of the insurance company shall be liable for damages in a civil action or subject to criminal prosecution for any oral or written statement made or any other action taken that is necessary to supply information required pursuant to this section.
Source. 1996, 285:1. 1997, 284:18, eff. Jan. 1, 1998. 2007, 37:2, eff. Jan. 1, 2008.