13:1B-15.159 - Establishment of natural resources inventory
13:1B-15.159 Establishment of natural resources inventory.
1.The Department of Environmental Protection, in cooperation with the Division of Travel and Tourism in the Department of State, in consultation with the Pinelands Commission as it affects the pinelands area designated pursuant to section 10 of P.L.1979, c.111 (C.13:18A-11), and in consultation with the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council as it affects the Highlands Region designated pursuant to section 7 of P.L.2004, c.120 (C.13:20-7), shall establish a natural resources inventory, using the Geographic Information System, for the purpose of encouraging ecologically based tourism and recreation in New Jersey. This inventory shall contain information on New Jersey's natural, historic, and recreational resources, and shall include, to the greatest extent possible, but need not be limited to, federal, State, county and local parks, wildlife management areas, hatcheries, natural areas, historic sites, State forests, recreational areas, ecological and biological study sites, reservoirs, marinas, boat launches, campgrounds, waterfront access points, winter sports recreation areas, and national wildlife refuges.
L.1997, c.64, s.1; amended 2004, c.120, s.48; 2007, c.253, s.9.