13:1D-13.3 - Classified and senior executive service
13:1D-13.3 Classified and senior executive service
4. a. Within 60 days of the effective date of this act, the Department of Personnel shall, pursuant to N.J.S.11A:3-1, assign or reassign,
(1) to the competitive division of the classified service, the following titles in the Department of Environmental Protection:
(a) all Manager 3, Environmental Protection and Manager 3, Waste Management positions;
(b) all Manager 4, Environmental Protection, and Manager 4, Waste Management positions; and
(c) all Section Chief, Environmental Protection positions and all Section Chief, Waste Management positions; and
(2) to the senior executive service, the titles of Deputy Director and assistant director in the Division of Parks and Forestry, Department of Environmental Protection.
Employees serving in the unclassified service in any of the positions subject to paragraph (1) of this subsection, other than the titles of all Section Chief, Environmental Protection positions, on the date of assignment or reassignment of such titles, shall be appointed to the classified service through the non-competitive interim appointment process, and upon completion of the working test periods therefor, the positions shall be reallocated to the competitive division of the classified service.
b. All persons holding a position in any of the titles subject to the provisions of subsection a. of this section on the date of assignment or reassignment of such titles by the Department of Personnel, shall, as necessary, be transferred as of that date to, as appropriate, the competitive division of the classified service, or the senior executive service.
c. Within 60 days of the filing of a written request by the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Personnel shall, pursuant to N.J.S.11A:3-1, establish within the Department of Environmental Protection a title series for the department-wide processing of permits. The title series shall be, except as other provided by law, in the competitive division of the classified service. The series shall provide a second career track wherein progression to higher level titles, including permit review titles equivalent to supervisory positions, shall be based on the assumption of permit review responsibilities of higher complexity without any supervisory responsibilities.
d. Appointments to any of the positions subject to this section shall be in accordance with applicable laws and rules, regulations, policies and practices of the Department of Personnel not inconsistent herewith.
e. The provisions of this section shall not apply to employees of the Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife, as reconstituted pursuant to section 25 of P.L.1948, c.448 (C.13:1B-23).