13:1D-39 - Pollution Prevention Advisory Board established
13:1D-39. Pollution Prevention Advisory Board established
5. a. There is established in the Department of Environmental Protection the Pollution Prevention Advisory Board. The board shall consist of the Administrator of the Office of Pollution Prevention, the Executive Director of the Hazardous Waste Facilities Siting Commission, and the Director of the State Technical Assistance Program at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, who shall serve ex officio, and 12 public members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. Of the public members of the board, one shall have experience or training in the field of environmental compliance at a large industrial facility, one shall have experience or training in the field of environmental compliance at a medium-sized industrial facility, one shall have experience or training in the field of environmental compliance at a small industrial facility, three shall be members of recognized Statewide environmental organizations, one shall be a person with academic training in the field of industrial processes, one shall be a person with academic training in the field of environmental economics, two shall be representatives of organized labor and have training or experience in the field of occupational diseases and health, one shall have experience in local government, and one shall be a representative of the general public. Each of the public members shall be appointed for a term of three years, except that of the public members first appointed by the Governor, four shall serve for terms of three years, four shall serve for terms of two years, and four shall serve for terms of one year.
b. A majority of the membership of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of board business. Action may be taken and motions adopted by the board at any meeting thereof by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the board present and voting.
c. The Governor shall appoint a chairman and other officers as may be necessary from among the members of the board. Members of the board shall serve without compensation but the board may, within the limits of funds appropriated or otherwise made available to it for such purposes, reimburse its members for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their official duties.
d. The board may:
(1) Review any matters submitted to it by the department or the office concerning any aspect of the provisions or implementation of this act, and report its recommendations to the department or office;
(2) Conduct an ongoing review of the implementation of this act and submit any recommendations for administrative or legislative changes it deems necessary to the department or the office;
(3) Investigate techniques to develop standardized classifications of production processes employed by industrial facilities, and investigate the feasibility of utilizing such techniques in the development and implementation of pollution prevention plans;
(4) Advise the office on the interpretation of information submitted in pollution prevention plan summaries and pollution prevention plan progress reports and on the content of pollution prevention plans, pollution prevention plan summaries, and pollution prevention plan progress reports;
(5) Review the scientific literature concerning the occupational, public health, and environmental risks presented by exposures to specific hazardous substances, evaluate scientific interpretations of these risks, and assess the risks of the discharge of these hazardous substances into different environmental media;
(6) Review and evaluate the impact of reductions in the use or discharge of specific hazardous substances on employment levels;
(7) Conduct periodic reviews of the criteria adopted by the department for the preparation of pollution prevention plans, pollution prevention plan summaries, and pollution prevention plan progress reports and, if deemed necessary, make recommendations to the department for administrative or legislative changes;
(8) Study and evaluate the practicability and feasibility of achieving hazardous substance pollution prevention without reductions in employment levels through the use of substitute substances, alternative procedures or processes, or other means;
(9) Conduct research or hold public hearings concerning the continued use, production, manufacture, discharge, or disposal of any hazardous substance in the State and the threat that this use, production, manufacture, discharge, or disposal poses to human health or the environment, and, if warranted, make a written recommendation to the Governor and the Legislature concerning the prohibition of, or restrictions on, the continued use, production, manufacture, discharge, or disposal of the hazardous substance in the State, except that the board shall not conduct research or hold public hearings concerning the siting of hazardous waste facilities; and
(10) Review the expenditure by the department of monies deposited in the "Pollution Prevention Fund" established pursuant to section 16 of this act.