13:1D-51 - Definitions
13:1D-51. Definitions
1. As used in sections 1 through 7 of this amendatory and supplementary act:
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection.
"Convey" means to sell, exchange, lease for a term of 25 years or more, grant, or agree to sell, exchange, lease for a term of 25 years or more, or grant, in an amount greater than one acre.
"Department" means the Department of Environmental Protection, or any agency, division, or office thereof.
"Green Acres funds" means any funds made available for the acquisition or development of lands by the State for recreation and conservation purposes pursuant to: P.L.1961, c.46; P.L.1971, c.165; P.L.1974, c.102; P.L.1978, c.118; P.L.1983, c.354; P.L.1987, c.265; and P.L.1989, c.183; or any similar act for such purposes that may be enacted, or any such funds administered pursuant to P.L.1961, c.45 (C.13:8A-1 et seq.), P.L.1971, c.419 (C.13:8A-19 et seq.), and P.L.1975, c.155 (C.13:8A-35 et seq.), or any similar act for such purposes that may be enacted.
"Land" or "lands" means real property, including improvements thereof or thereon, rights-of-way, water, riparian and other rights, easements, and privileges, and all other rights or interests of any kind or description in, relating to, or connected with real property.
"Minor conveyance" means a conveyance or proposed conveyance of lands acquired or developed by the State with Green Acres funds, or acquired or developed by the State in any other manner and administered by the department, which lands shall be greater than one acre but less than five acres in size and valued at less than $50,000, and which conveyance or proposed conveyance under law requires the approval of the State House Commission established pursuant to R.S.52:20-1 et seq.