13:1D-9.2 - Report on department fees, requirements
13:1D-9.2. Report on department fees, requirements
2. On or before December 31, 1991 and December 31 of each year thereafter, the department shall submit to the Governor, the Legislature, and the State Auditor a written report setting forth information concerning the imposition, collection and expenditure of fees imposed by the department. The report shall contain a section setting forth the following information:
a. A list of the fees imposed or assessed, by program, during the preceding fiscal year, and the statutory or regulatory authority for each;
b. An explanation of the methodology used to calculate the fees for each specific program;
c. The total amount of fees imposed, by specific program where appropriate, during the preceding fiscal year;
d. The total amount of fees collected, by program where appropriate, and the total amount of all fees collected for all programs during the preceding fiscal year, and all fees reappropriated for the preceding fiscal year from the next preceding fiscal year;
e. The total amount of fees expended for each program and the grand total expended during the preceding fiscal year;
f. The percentage of each program listed according to this section which is funded by fees, appropriations from the General Fund, appropriations of bond revenues, federal funds, and other sources;
g. Estimates of the total amount of fees, by program where appropriate, anticipated to be imposed, collected, expended and carried forward during the current fiscal year and the next fiscal year;
h. The number of licenses, permits or other approvals applied for and issued pursuant to each program;
i. The number of personnel, by program, whose positions are funded by fees, and the percentage of the total personnel employed in each such program which this number represents;
j. The number of personnel, by program and funding source, funded by other revenue sources;
k. The number and percentage of personnel throughout the department whose positions are funded, wholly or in part, by fees;
l. The percentage of all departmental revenues and expenditures represented by fees for the appropriate fiscal year;
m. The total amount of all fines or other penalties assessed, and the amounts collected;
n. The total amount, by program, of all fines or other penalties assessed by the department, and the amounts collected, including environmental fines or other penalties collected on behalf of the department, and their disposition; and
o. For each fiscal year following the date on which the Environmental Program Fee Fund is created pursuant to section 3 of this act, the total amounts of transfers to and from each subaccount.