13:1E-38 - Definitions
13:1E-38. Definitions
As used in this act, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly requires another meaning:
a. "Bulk liquids" means liquid or semiliquid waste, including petroleum products, which is contained within, or is discharged from, any one vessel, tank or other container which has a capacity of 20 or more gallons;
b. "Chemical waste" means a material normally generated by or used in chemical, petrochemical, plastic, pharmaceutical, biochemical or microbiological manufacturing processes or petroleum refining processes, which has been selected for waste disposal and which is known to hydrolize, ionize or decompose, which is soluble, burns or oxidizes, or which may react with any of the waste materials which are introduced into the landfill, or which is buoyant on water, or which has a viscosity less than that of water or which produces a foul odor. Chemical waste may be either hazardous or nonhazardous.
c. "Hazardous waste" means any waste or any combination of waste which poses a present or potential threat to human health, living organisms or the environment. "Hazardous waste" shall include, but not be limited to, waste material that is toxic, corrosive, irritating, sensitizing, radioactive, biologically infectious, explosive or flammable;
d. "Leachate" is a liquid that has been in contact with solid waste and contains dissolved or suspended materials from that solid waste.
e. "Pesticide" means and includes any substance or mixture of substances labeled, designed, intended for or capable of use in preventing, destroying, repelling, sterilizing or mitigating any insects, rodents, nematodes, predatory animals, fungi, weeds and other forms of plant or animal life or viruses, except viruses on or in living man or other animals. "Pesticide" shall also include any substance or mixture of substances labeled, designed or intended for use as a defoliant, desiccant or plant regulator.
f. "Commercial solid waste facility" means any solid waste facility operated for profit which accepts any solid waste generated from any other source and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Utilities pursuant to the provisions of P.L.1970, c. 40 (C. 48:13A-1 et seq.).
L.1976, c. 99, s. 1, eff. Oct. 7, 1976. Amended by L.1979, c. 395, s. 2.