13:1E-96.4 - Definitions relative to recycling of solid waste
13:1E-96.4 Definitions relative to recycling of solid waste.
3.For the purposes of this act:
"Beverage container" means an individual, separate, hermetically sealed, or made airtight with a metal or plastic cap, bottle or can composed of glass, metal, plastic or any combination thereof, containing a beverage.
"Certified recycling coordinator" means a person or persons designated as such pursuant to section 3 of P.L.1987, c.102 (C.13:1E-99.13) or section 6 of P.L.1987, c.102 (C.13:1E-99.16).
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Environmental Protection.
"Department" means the Department of Environmental Protection.
"Director" means the Director of the Division of Taxation in the Department of the Treasury.
"Division" means the Division of Taxation in the Department of the Treasury.
"Materials recovery" means the processing and separation of solid waste utilizing manual or mechanical methods for the purposes of recovering recyclable materials for disposition and recycling prior to the disposal of the residual solid waste at an authorized solid waste facility.
"Materials recovery facility" means a transfer station or other authorized solid waste facility at which nonhazardous solid waste, which material is not source separated by the generator thereof prior to collection, is received for onsite processing and separation utilizing manual or mechanical methods for the purposes of recovering recyclable materials for disposition and recycling prior to the disposal of the residual solid waste at an authorized solid waste facility.
"Post-consumer waste material" means a material or product that would otherwise become solid waste, having completed its intended end use and product life cycle; except that "post-consumer waste material" shall not include secondary waste material or materials and by-products generated from, and commonly used within, an original manufacturing and fabrication process.
"Recycled product" means any product or commodity which is manufactured or produced in whole or in part from post-consumer waste material and which meets the recycled content standard of the United States Environmental Protection Agency as published in the Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines for Products Containing Recovered Material.
"Residue" means any solid waste generated as a result of the use of post-consumer waste material in the manufacture of a recycled product.
"Resource recovery facility" means a solid waste facility constructed and operated for the incineration of solid waste for energy production and the recovery of metals and other materials for reuse; or a mechanized composting facility, or any other solid waste facility constructed or operated for the collection, separation, recycling, and recovery of metals, glass, paper, and other materials for reuse or for energy production.
"Secondary waste material" means waste material generated after the completion of a manufacturing process.
"Solid waste" means the same as that term is defined in section 3 of P.L.1970, c.39 (C.13:1E-3), except that, as used in the provisions of P.L.2007, c.311 (C.13:1E-96.2 et al.), "solid waste" shall be limited to the following solid waste ID types: Type 10 Municipal; Type 13 Bulky waste; Type 13C Construction and Demolition waste; Type 23 Vegetative waste; Type 25 Animal and food processing wastes; and Type 27 Dry industrial waste, including Type 27-A Asbestos-containing waste, as set forth in N.J.A.C.7:26-1.6 and N.J.A.C.7:26-2.13.
"Solid waste collection" means the activity related to pick-up and transportation of solid waste from its source or location to a solid waste facility or other destination.
"Solid waste collector" means a person engaged in the collection of solid waste and registered pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of P.L.1970, c.39 (C.13:1E-4 and 13:1E-5); or any municipality wherein the municipal governing body has established and operates a municipal service system for solid waste collection pursuant to R.S.40:66-1.
"Solid waste disposal" means the storage, treatment, utilization, processing, transfer, or final disposal of solid waste.
"Solid waste facilities" means and includes the plants, structures and other real and personal property acquired, constructed or operated or to be acquired, constructed or operated by, or on behalf of, any person, public authority or county pursuant to the provisions of P.L.1970, c.39 (C.13:1E-1 et seq.) or any other act, including transfer stations, incinerators, resource recovery facilities, sanitary landfill facilities or other plants for the disposal of solid waste, and all vehicles, equipment and other real and personal property and rights therein and appurtenances necessary or useful and convenient for the collection or disposal of solid waste in a sanitary manner.
L.2007, c.311, s.3; amended 2008, c.6, s.2