13:1E-96.5 - Recycling tax on owner, operator of solid waste facility; applicability; rate
13:1E-96.5 Recycling tax on owner, operator of solid waste facility; applicability; rate.
4. a. (1) Beginning on April 1, 2008, there is levied upon the owner or operator of every solid waste facility a recycling tax of $3.00 per ton on all solid waste accepted for disposal or transfer at the solid waste facility.
The recycling tax shall not be imposed on solid waste transported from an in-State transfer station from which the recycling tax has been levied on the owner or operator thereof to an in-State solid waste facility for final disposal.
(a)The recycling tax shall not be imposed on the owner or operator of a railroad transfer station or other facility designed exclusively to transport waste on railroads.
(b)The recycling tax shall not be imposed on the owner or operator of a sanitary landfill facility for the acceptance for disposal of the ash residue resulting from the incineration of solid waste at a resource recovery facility.
(c)The recycling tax shall not be imposed on the owner or operator of a solid waste facility for the acceptance for disposal of solid waste originating from out-of-State sources under a contract awarded prior to December 31, 2007 if the contract does not include a change-in-law or similar mechanism by which the recycling tax imposed by this section may be passed through as a fee or surcharge on the rates and charges set forth in the contract.
(d)The recycling tax shall not be imposed on the owner or operator of a resource recovery facility for the acceptance for disposal of solid waste originating from in-State sources under a contract awarded prior to December 31, 2007 if the contract does not include a change-in-law or similar mechanism by which the recycling tax imposed by this section may be passed through as a fee or surcharge on the rates and charges set forth in the contract.
The recycling tax shall be imposed on the owner or operator of a solid waste facility for the acceptance for disposal of solid waste originating from out-of-State sources under any contract awarded after December 31, 2007.
(2)Beginning on April 1, 2008, there is levied upon every solid waste collector that transports solid waste for transshipment or direct transportation to an out-of-State disposal site a recycling tax. The recycling tax shall be levied on the solid waste collector at the rate of $3.00 per ton on all solid waste collected for transportation to a railroad transfer station or other facility designed to transport waste on railroads or directly to an out-of-State disposal site.
b. (1) Every person subject to the recycling tax shall, by April 1, 2008, register with the director on forms prescribed by the director.
(2)Every person subject to the recycling tax shall, on or before July 20, 2008, and quarterly thereafter with returns due the 20th day of the first month following the end of the quarter, render a return under oath to the director, on such forms as may be prescribed by the director, indicating the number of tons of solid waste accepted for disposal or transfer, or collected, as appropriate, and at that time shall pay the full amount due.
c.If a return required by this section is not filed, or if a return when filed is incorrect or insufficient in the opinion of the director, the amount due shall be determined by the director from such information as may be available. Notice of the determination shall be given to the person subject to the recycling tax. The determination shall finally and irrevocably fix the amount due, unless the person on whom it is imposed, within 90 days after the giving of the notice of the determination, shall file a protest in writing as provided in R.S.54:49-18 and request a hearing, or unless the director on the director's own motion shall redetermine the same. After the hearing the director shall give notice of the determination to the person on whom the recycling tax is imposed.
d.Any person subject to the recycling tax who fails to file a return when due or to pay any tax when it becomes due, as herein provided, shall be subject to such penalties and interest as provided in the "State Uniform Tax Procedure Law," R.S.54:48-1 et seq. If the director determines that the failure to comply with any provision of this section was excusable under the circumstances, the director may remit that part or all of the penalty as shall be appropriate under the circumstances.
e.The director shall deposit all revenues collected pursuant to this section in the State Recycling Fund established pursuant to section 5 of P.L.1981, c.278 (C.13:1E-96).
f.In addition to the other powers granted to the director in this section, the director is authorized:
(1)To delegate to any officer or employee of the division those powers and duties as the director deems necessary to carry out efficiently the provisions of this section, and the person to whom the power has been delegated shall possess and may exercise all of these powers and perform all of the duties delegated by the director;
(2)To prescribe and distribute all necessary forms for the implementation of this section.
g. (1) Every owner or operator of a solid waste facility may collect the recycling tax imposed by this section by (a) including the amount of recycling tax due as a separate line item on every customer bill or other statement presented to a solid waste collector or solid waste generator; (b) including the amount of recycling tax due as a fee or surcharge on any amount collected under a contract awarded pursuant to the "Local Public Contracts Law," P.L.1971, c.198 (C.40A:11-1 et seq.) or any other law for the provision of solid waste collection or solid waste disposal services; or (c) imposing an automatic surcharge on any tariff established pursuant to law for the solid waste disposal or transfer operations of the solid waste facility.
(2)Every solid waste collector is hereby authorized to calculate, charge and collect rates, fees or surcharges from all solid waste generators serviced by the solid waste collector sufficient to recover the recycling tax collected by the owner or operator of the solid waste facility.
(3)Every solid waste collector subject to the recycling tax is hereby authorized to calculate, charge and collect rates, fees or surcharges from all solid waste generators serviced by the solid waste collector sufficient to recover the recycling tax imposed by this section.
h.The recycling tax imposed by this section shall be governed in all respects by the provisions of the "State Uniform Tax Procedure Law," R.S.54:48-1 et seq., except only to the extent that a specific provision of this section may be in conflict therewith.
i. (1) The recycling tax imposed by this section shall not be imposed on the owner or operator of a materials recovery facility for the acceptance of Type 13C Construction and Demolition waste, provided that the facility meets or exceeds recyclable materials extraction rates as established by the department.
(2)The recycling tax imposed by this section shall not be imposed on a solid waste collector or the owner or operator of a solid waste facility for the collection or acceptance for disposal or transfer of residue resulting from the operations of a scrap processing facility as defined in section 2 of P.L.1987, c.102 (C.13:1E-99.12).
j.The recycling tax imposed by this section shall not be imposed on a solid waste collector or the owner or operator of a solid waste facility for the collection or acceptance for disposal or transfer of residue, provided that the residue is generated as a result of the use of post-consumer waste material in the manufacture of a recycled product which constitutes at least 75% of total annual sales dollar volume of the products manufactured by a manufacturer in this State as determined by the director.
k.The registration issued to any person subject to the recycling tax who violates the provisions of this section may be subject to revocation or suspension pursuant to section 12 of P.L.1970, c.39 (C.13:1E-12).
l.Subsections a. through k. of this section shall be without effect on and after the tenth day following a certification by the Director of the Division of Budget and Accounting in the Department of the Treasury pursuant to subsection b. of section 6 of P.L.2007, c.311 (C.13:1E-96.7).
L.2007, c.311, s.4; amended 2008, c.6, s.1.