13:20-14 - Submission of revisions to regional master plan by municipalities, counties in preservation area for conformance
13:20-14 Submission of revisions to regional master plan by municipalities, counties in preservation area for conformance.
14. a. Within nine to 15 months after the date of adoption of the regional master plan or any revision thereof, according to a schedule to be established by the council, each municipality located wholly or partially in the preservation area shall submit to the council such revisions of the municipal master plan and development regulations, as applicable to the development and use of land in the preservation area, as may be necessary in order to conform them with the goals, requirements, and provisions of the regional master plan. After receiving and reviewing the revisions, the council shall approve, reject, or approve with conditions the revised plan and development regulations, as it deems appropriate, after public hearing, within 60 days after the date of submission thereof.
Upon rejecting or conditionally approving any such revised plan or development regulations, the council shall identify such changes therein that it deems necessary for council approval thereof, and the relevant municipality shall adopt and enforce the plan or development regulations as so changed.
b.Within nine to 15 months after the date of adoption of the regional master plan or any revision thereof, according to a schedule to be established by the council, each county located wholly or partially in the preservation area shall submit to the council such revisions of the county master plan and associated regulations, as applicable to the development and use of land in the preservation area, as may be necessary in order to conform them with the goals, requirements, and provisions of the regional master plan. After receiving and reviewing the revisions, the council shall approve, reject, or approve with conditions those revised plans and associated regulations, as it deems appropriate, after public hearing, within 60 days after the date of submission thereof.
Upon rejecting or conditionally approving any such revised plan or associated regulations, the council shall identify such changes therein that it deems necessary for council approval thereof, and the relevant county shall adopt and enforce the plan or associated regulations as so changed.
c.The council may revoke a conformance approval granted pursuant to this section or section 15 of this act, after conducting a hearing, if the council finds that the local government unit has taken action inconsistent with the regional master plan.
d.In the event that any municipality or county fails to adopt or enforce an approved revised master plan, development regulations, or other regulations, as the case may be, including any condition thereto imposed by the council, as required pursuant to subsection a. or b. of this section, the council shall adopt and enforce such rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the minimum standards contained in the regional master plan as applicable to any municipality or county within the preservation area. If any municipality or county fails to adopt or enforce an approved revised master plan, development regulations, or other regulations, as the case may be, including any condition thereto imposed by the council, as required pursuant to subsection a. or b. of this section, the council shall have all local enforcement authority provided pursuant to the "Municipal Land Use Law," P.L.1975, c.291 (C.40:55D-1 et seq.), R.S.40:27-1 et seq., and this act, as well as the authority to issue stop construction orders, as may be necessary to implement the provisions of this act, any rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, and the requirements and provisions of the regional master plan.
e.A municipality or county may adopt revisions to its master plan, development regulations, or other regulations for the purposes of this section that are stricter, as determined by the council, than the minimum necessary to obtain approval of conformance with the regional master plan.
f.The requirements of this section shall not apply to any municipality or county located wholly within the planning area. Any municipality or county located partially within the preservation area and partially within the planning area shall be required to comply with the provisions of this section and the regional master plan only with respect to that portion of the municipality or county lying within the preservation area. Voluntary conformance with the regional master plan as it may apply to those portions of a municipality or county lying within the planning area shall be permitted as provided pursuant to section 15 of this act.