13:8C-18 - Transfers for deposit to preservation trust funds
13:8C-18. Transfers for deposit to preservation trust funds
18. a. In each State fiscal year, from State fiscal year 2000 through and including State fiscal year 2009, the trust shall transfer to the State Treasurer for deposit into:
(1) the Garden State Green Acres Preservation Trust Fund, established pursuant to section 19 of this act, 60% of such amounts as are available from:
(a) the amount paid to the trust for that State fiscal year pursuant to subsection c. of section 17 of this act, net of the amount necessary to be deposited in the Garden State Historic Preservation Trust Fund pursuant to paragraph (3) of this subsection and net of any amount that shall be retained by the trust to make any necessary payments related to bonds, notes or other obligations, including refunding bonds, issued by the trust; and
(b) such proceeds raised by the trust for the purposes set forth in Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 7 of the State Constitution and this act through the issuance of bonds, notes or other obligations;
(2) the Garden State Farmland Preservation Trust Fund, established pursuant to section 20 of this act, 40% of such amounts as are available from:
(a) the amount paid to the trust for that State fiscal year pursuant to subsection c. of section 17 of this act, net of the amount necessary to be deposited in the Garden State Historic Preservation Trust Fund pursuant to paragraph (3) of this subsection and net of any amount that shall be retained by the trust to make any necessary payments related to bonds, notes or other obligations, including refunding bonds, issued by the trust; and
(b) such proceeds raised by the trust for the purposes set forth in Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 7 of the State Constitution and this act through the issuance of bonds, notes or other obligations; and
(3) the Garden State Historic Preservation Trust Fund, established pursuant to section 21 of this act, the sum of $6,000,000 per year from the amount paid to the trust for that State fiscal year pursuant to subsection c. of section 17 of this act.
b. (1) Of the amount deposited each State fiscal year into the Garden State Green Acres Preservation Trust Fund pursuant to paragraph (1) of subsection a. of this section, or received into the fund each State fiscal year from other sources: 50% thereof shall be allocated for the purposes of paying the cost of acquisition and development of lands by the State for recreation and conservation purposes; 40% thereof shall be allocated for the purposes of providing grants and loans to assist local government units to pay the cost of acquisition and development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes; and 10% thereof shall be allocated for the purposes of providing grants to assist qualifying tax exempt nonprofit organizations to pay the cost of acquisition and development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, all as provided pursuant to this act.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection to the contrary, any repayments of the principal and interest on loans issued to local government units for the acquisition or development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes pursuant to subsection b. of section 27 of this act, including repayments received after June 30, 2009, shall be allocated only for the issuance of additional loans to local government units for the acquisition or development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes pursuant to subsection b. of section 27 of this act.
c. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section to the contrary, the trust, after conducting at least one public hearing upon at least 60 days' advance public notice thereof, and upon finding that it would further the purposes of Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 7 of the State Constitution and this act, may (a) alter for a specific and identified State fiscal year the funding allocation percentages or levels set for or within each of the trust funds as prescribed pursuant to this section for that State fiscal year, or (b) request the State Treasurer to transfer moneys from one trust fund to another trust fund, to respond to the special needs and funding priorities of the State within a specific and identified State fiscal year, respond to exigent circumstances, take advantage of unexpected opportunities, or maximize the impact of financial resources applied to the purposes of any particular funding category. Upon receipt of any such request from the trust, the State Treasurer shall transfer the moneys between the trust funds in the manner prescribed by the trust. Moneys so transferred from a trust fund shall not be required to be repaid to the trust fund from which they were transferred, provided that the moneys so transferred are expended for any of the purposes authorized by Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 7 of the State Constitution or this act.
(2) Moneys deposited into the Garden State Green Acres Preservation Trust Fund from the repayments of the principal and interest on loans, including repayments received after June 30, 2009, issued to local government units for the acquisition or development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes pursuant to subsection b. of section 27 of this act shall not be subject to transfer to other trust funds or be made available for other purposes authorized for moneys deposited into the Garden State Green Acres Preservation Trust Fund; such repayments shall be allocated only for the issuance of additional loans to local government units for the acquisition or development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes as provided pursuant to subsection b. of section 27 of this act.
d.All administrative costs and expenses, including but not limited to salaries, fringe and other benefits, equipment, materials, direct and indirect costs, and non-salaried administrative costs, of the Department of Environmental Protection, the State Agriculture Development Committee, the New Jersey Historic Trust, and any other State entity incurred in connection with the implementation or administration of Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 7 of the State Constitution or this act shall be paid from the General Fund and not from constitutionally dedicated moneys.