13:8C-42 - Rules, regulations; contracts; study of utility easements
13:8C-42. Rules, regulations; contracts; study of utility easements
42. a. The Department of Environmental Protection, the State Agriculture Development Committee, the New Jersey Historic Trust, and the Department of the Treasury shall each adopt, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), such rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement and carry out the goals and objectives of Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 7 of the State Constitution and this act.
b.Notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary, any rules and regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection, the State Agriculture Development Committee, the New Jersey Historic Trust, and the Department of the Treasury that have been adopted pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act" and are in effect as of the date of enactment of this act, that are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, and that pertain to the Green Acres, farmland preservation, and historic preservation programs continued pursuant to this act, shall continue in effect until amended or supplemented and readopted as necessary to reflect the provisions and requirements of Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 7 of the State Constitution and this act.
c.In order to implement the funding provisions provided for in this act, the State Treasurer, the Department of Environmental Protection, the State Agriculture Development Committee, the New Jersey Historic Trust, and the Garden State Preservation Trust are hereby authorized to enter into one or more contracts. The contracts shall commence in the State fiscal year beginning July 1, 1999, and provide for the credit to the Garden State Preservation Trust Fund Account in the amounts provided for in section 17 of this act and for the payment to the Garden State Preservation Trust of the amounts credited to the Garden State Preservation Trust Fund Account in accordance with the provisions of section 17 of this act. The contracts shall also provide for the payment by the Garden State Preservation Trust of the amounts provided for in section 18 of this act and for expenditures from the Garden State Green Acres Preservation Trust Fund, the Garden State Farmland Preservation Trust Fund, and the Garden State Historic Preservation Trust Fund, as provided in section 18 of this act. The contract or contracts shall be on terms and conditions as determined by the parties and may contain terms and conditions necessary and desirable to secure the bonds, notes and other obligations of the Garden State Preservation Trust, provided, however, that the incurrence of any obligation by the State under the contract or contracts, including any payments to be made thereunder from the Garden State Preservation Trust Fund Account, the Garden State Green Acres Preservation Trust Fund, the Garden State Farmland Preservation Trust Fund, or the Garden State Historic Preservation Trust Fund, as provided in sections 17, 19, 20, and 21 of this act, shall be subject to and dependent upon appropriations being made from time to time by the Legislature for the purposes of this act.
d.Within one year after the date of enactment of this act, the Department of Environmental Protection, the State Agriculture Development Committee, and the State House Commission established pursuant to R.S.52:20-1 et seq. shall conduct a study of the process by which easements are granted to public utilities, as defined in Title 48 of the Revised Statutes, on lands acquired for recreation and conservation purposes or for farmland preservation purposes, and prepare and submit to the Legislature a written report of the study findings together with any recommendations for legislative or administrative action that would improve that process. The agencies shall jointly hold at least one public hearing to receive testimony on the issue prior to preparation of the report.