17:12B-195 - Proceedings before commissioner
17:12B-195. Proceedings before commissioner
(1) Review of commissioner's determination. Except as herein otherwise provided, any State association or member aggrieved by any determination, decision or order of the commissioner or by any failure of the commissioner to make any such determination, decision or order, may, within 30 days thereafter, institute an action in the Superior Court for a review thereof. The court may proceed in the action in a summary manner or otherwise. It shall determine de novo all questions, both of fact and of law, touching upon the legality and the reasonableness of such determination, decision or order, and render such judgment and make such orders as shall be equitable and just.
(2) Appearances before commissioner. Any person, who is required or permitted to appear before the commissioner as a party in any proceeding, shall appear in person, or by an attorney-at-law of this State.
(3) Evidence in proceedings before commissioner.
(a) Subpoenas. The commissioner shall have power to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents, papers, books, records and other evidence, before him, or any deputy appointed to act for him, in any matter over which he has jurisdiction, control, or supervision. The commissioner, or any such deputy, shall have the power to administer oaths or affirmation to any person whose testimony is required.
If any person shall fail to obey the subpoena, give testimony, or produce evidence as required thereby, the Superior Court may upon ex parte application make an order compelling him to do so. The court shall have power to enforce obedience by a fine, not exceeding $100.00 or by imprisonment in the county jail, or by both fine and imprisonment, and to compel such witness to pay the taxed costs of such proceeding.
(b) Perjury. Any person who, upon oath or affirmation, shall willfully testify falsely in any proceeding before the commissioner, or any such deputy, shall be guilty of perjury.
(c) Witness fees and mileage. Witnesses subpoenaed to appear before the commissioner, or any such deputy, shall receive the same fees and mileage as witnesses in civil actions.
L.1963, c. 144, s. 195.