17:28-1 - Separate risks and premiums; exceptions
17:28-1. Separate risks and premiums; exceptions
When a policy shall insure against more than one hazard or peril, the insurance against any specific hazard or peril shall not be separately cancelable unless the policy shall specify a separate premium for any such insurance so cancelable. No policy of life or endowment insurance or annuity contract authorized pursuant to paragraph "c" of section 17:17-1 of this Title shall assume any hazard or peril specified in any other paragraph of said section 17:17-1 except insurance against bodily injury or death by accident and upon the health of persons as specified in paragraph "d" of the said section. Any policy of liability insurance authorized by paragraphs "d" or "e" of said section 17:17-1 may contain a provision for payment on behalf of the injured party or for reimbursement of the assured for payment of medical, hospital, surgical and funeral expenses incurred, as a result of an accident, irrespective of legal liability of the assured, and an automobile liability policy may also contain a provision for payment of disability benefits to persons who are injured and death benefits to dependents, beneficiaries or personal representatives of persons who are killed if such injury or death is caused by accident and sustained while in or upon, entering or alighting from, or through being struck by an automobile, irrespective of legal liability of the assured, and such provisions shall not be deemed to be an accident insurance policy. The commissioner may order the discontinuance of any provision in a policy of automobile liability insurance providing for such disability or death benefits which he finds to be unjust, unfair, inequitable, misleading or contrary to law. Any policy of automobile liability insurance may also contain a provision for payment of part or all sums which the insured or his legal representative shall be legally entitled to recover as damages from the operator or owner of an uninsured automobile because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, including death resulting therefrom, or because of damage to property, sustained by the insured, caused by accident and arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of such uninsured automobile.
Amended by L. 1940, c. 92, p. 221, s. 1; L. 1941, c. 364, p. 959, s. 1; L. 1943, c. 159, p. 443, s. 1; L. 1944, c. 153, p. 582, s. 1; L. 1954, c. 192, p. 722, s. 1; L. 1956, c. 148, p. 612, s. 1; L. 1961, c. 11, p. 34, s. 1; L. 1968, c. 385, s. 1.