17:48E-3 - Health service corporations
17:48E-3. Health service corporations
3. a. No health service corporation shall be established as a corporation organized for pecuniary profit. Every health service corporation established pursuant to the provisions of this act shall be operated for the benefit of its subscribers.
b. No person, firm, association or corporation, other than a health service corporation or an insurance company authorized to transact life or health insurance in accordance with Title 17B of the New Jersey Statutes, shall establish, maintain or operate a health service plan. No person, firm, association or corporation, other than a hospital service corporation, a medical service corporation, a dental service corporation to the extent permitted by P.L.1968, c.305 (C.17:48C-1 et seq.), or an insurance company authorized to transact life or health insurance business or the kinds of insurance specified in subsection d. of R.S.17:17-1, shall otherwise contract in this State with persons to pay for or to provide for health services on the basis of premiums or other valuable considerations to be collected by the person, firm, association or corporation from any persons for the issuance of the contracts. This section shall not be construed as preventing the exercise of any authority or privilege granted to any corporation by a certificate of authority issued by the commissioner pursuant to any law of this State, or as preventing any person, firm, association or corporation from furnishing health services required under any workers' compensation law, or law pertaining to health maintenance organizations, or as otherwise provided by law.
c. A health service corporation shall, unless prohibited by the commissioner, offer as an option medical-surgical contracts and dental subscriber contracts which afford subscribers prepaid or postpaid benefits pursuant to which payment is made to participating providers for medical-surgical and dental services rendered by a participating provider network with agreements granting an aggregate differential allowance or discount on charges, as well as a limit on total allowances which may or may not be related to the subscriber's income level, where the aggregate differential or discount on charges and limit on total allowances may be achieved by payment of either the individual provider's actual charge or the health service corporation's allowance on the charge, whichever is less.
d. A health service corporation shall maintain an open enrollment period for coverage to persons who are otherwise unable to obtain hospital, medical-surgical, or major medical coverage in accordance with the provisions of P.L.1992, c.161 (C.17B:27A-2 et al.).
e. No health service corporation shall have the power to underwrite life insurance as defined in Title 17B of the New Jersey Statutes directly, but a health service corporation may, at such time as the aggregate special contingent surplus is greater than 0%, own stock in, control, or otherwise become affiliated with a life, health or accident insurance company organized pursuant to Title 17B of the New Jersey Statutes or under the laws of any other state, provided that the company is admitted in this State.
f. No health service corporation shall solicit subscribers or enter into any contract with any subscriber until it has received from the commissioner a certificate of authority to do so, but if a health service corporation is established by means of the merger of a medical service corporation into a hospital service corporation, which hospital service corporation possesses a valid certificate of authority issued prior to the effective date of this act, the health service corporation thus established need not reapply for a new certificate of authority, but the corporation shall file in the Department of Insurance any documents relating to the merger which the commissioner may require.
g. Nothing in this act shall be deemed to prohibit a health service corporation from contracting with, or paying commissions to, any duly licensed affiliated or independent insurance producer, to the extent permitted by the laws applicable to those producers.
L.1985,c.236,s.3; amended 1988,c.71,s.1; 1992,c.161,s.18.