17:9A-333 - Department of Banking fees
17:9A-333. Department of Banking fees
333. A bank or savings bank shall pay to the commissioner for the use of the State a fee, to be prescribed by the commissioner by regulation, in an amount not less than or not more than, the following minimum and maximum amounts:
Minimum Maximum
(1) For filing an application
for charter.................... $10,000.00 $20,000.00
(2) For the issuance by the
commissioner of a certificate
of authority .................. 500.00 1,000.00
(3) For filing a certificate
of amendment of a certificate
of incorporation, or an amended
certificate of incorporation... 200.00 500.00
(4) For filing any other
certificate ................... 50.00 250.00
(5) (a) For filing an application
for approval of the establishment
of a full branch office........ 1,000.00 3,000.00
(b) For filing an application
for approval of the establishment
of a mini-branch office ....... 1,000.00 3,000.00
(c) For filing an application
for approval of the establishment
of a communication terminal branch
office ........................ 500.00 2,000.00
(6) For filing an agreement of
merger, per bank .............. 1,500.00 4,000.00
(7) For filing a copy of a plan
of reorganization ............. 250.00 1,000.00
(8) For filing a report required
by this act ................... 100.00 250.00
(9) For filing an affidavit
required by this act .......... 50.00 100.00
(10) For filing proof of
publication and mailing, or other
proof required by this act .... 50.00 100.00
(11) For filing application
for approval of a change in
location of principal office or
full branch office ........... 500.00 2,000.00
(12) For filing an application
for approval of the cost of the
establishment of an auxiliary
office ........................ 500.00 2,000.00
(13) For the issuance of a
certified copy of any certificate
of incorporation or merger or
plan of reorganization or any other
certificate or affidavit filed in
the department ................ 25.00 100.00
plus $2.00 per page
(14) For filing an application for
approval of an interchange between
principal office and full branch
office ........................ 250.00 1,000.00
(15) For the issuance of any other
approval by the commissioner .. 100.00 250.00
plus per diem charges where applicable
(16) For the issuance of any
extension by the commissioner... 50.00 150.00
plus per diem charges where applicable
(17) For filing a pension plan... 250.00 500.00
(18) For filing an amendment or
alteration to a pension plan .. 100.00 250.00
(19) For filing plans of
acquisition, per company, per
bank or savings bank .......... 1,500.00 4,000.00
(20) Conversion from mutual to
stock savings bank ............ 3,500.00 10,000.00
(21) Request to commissioner to
require an institution to share
access to its communication terminal
branch office ................. 100.00 250.00
(22) Conversion from savings bank
to State association .......... 5,000.00 10,000.00
(23) Conversion from stock savings
bank to bank or conversion from bank
to stock savings bank ......... 5,000.00 10,000.00
(24) In addition to above fees,
a per diem charge may be assessed
when a special investigation of
a filing is required.
L.1948,c.67,s.333; amended 1965,c.171,s.14; 1971,c.116,s.1; 1975,c.148,s.4; 1988,c.73,s.1; 1991,c.42,s.10; 1992,c.184,s.9.