18A:64A-25.5 - Exceptions to requirement for advertising
18A:64A-25.5 Exceptions to requirement for advertising.
5.Any purchase, contract or agreement of the character described in section 4 may be made, negotiated or awarded by the county college by resolution at a public meeting of its board of trustees without public advertising for bids or bidding therefor if:
a.The subject matter thereof consists of:
(1)Professional services; or
(2)Extraordinary unspecifiable services and products which cannot reasonably be described by written specifications, subject however, to procedures consistent with open public bidding whenever possible; or
(3)Materials or supplies which are not available from more than one potential bidder, including without limitation materials or supplies which are patented or copyrighted; or
(4)The doing of any work by employees of the county college; or
(5)The printing of all legal notices and legal briefs, records and appendices to be used in any legal proceeding to which the county college may be a party; or
(6)Textbooks, copyrighted materials, student produced publications and services incidental thereto, library materials including without limitation books, periodicals, newspapers, documents, pamphlets, photographs, reproductions, microfilms, pictorial or graphic works, musical scores, maps, charts, globes, sound recordings, slides, films, filmstrips, video and magnetic tapes, other printed or published matter and audiovisual and other materials of a similar nature, necessary binding or rebinding of library materials and specialized library services; or
(7)Food supplies and services including food supplies and management contracts for student centers, dining rooms and cafeterias; or
(8)The supplying of any product or the rendering of any service by the public utility which is subject to the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Utilities, in accordance with tariffs and schedules of charges made, charged and exacted, filed with said board; or
(9)Equipment repair service if in the nature of an extraordinary unspecifiable service and necessary parts furnished in connection with such services; or
(10) Specialized machinery or equipment of a technical nature which will not reasonably permit the drawing of specifications, and the procurement thereof without advertising is in the public interest; or
(11) Insurance, including the purchase of insurance coverage and consulting services, which exceptions shall be in accordance with the requirements for extraordinary unspecifiable services; or
(12) Publishing of legal notices in newspapers, as required by law; or
(13) The acquisition of artifacts or other items of unique intrinsic, artistic or historic character; or
(14) The collection of amounts due on student loans, including without limitation loans guaranteed by or made with funds of the United States of America; or
(15) Professional consulting services; or
(16) Entertainment, including without limitation theatrical presentations, band and other concerts, movies and other audiovisual productions; or
(17) Contracts employing funds created by student activities fees charged to students or otherwise raised by students, not under the direct control of the college and expended by student organizations; or
(18) Printing, including without limitation catalogs, yearbooks and course announcements; or
(19) Providing goods or services for the use, support or maintenance of proprietary computer hardware, software peripherals and system development for the hardware; or
(20) Personnel recruitment and advertising, including without limitation advertising seeking student enrollment; or
(21) Educational supplies, books, articles of clothing and other miscellaneous articles purchased by a county college bookstore, or by a service or management company under contract with a county college to operate a county college book store for resale to college students and employees; or
(22) Purchase or rental of graduation caps and gowns and award certificates or plaques; or
(23) Expenses for travel or conferences; or
(24) Items available from vendors at costs below State contract pricing for the same product or service, which meets or exceeds the State contract terms or conditions.
b.It is to be made or entered into with the United States of America, the State of New Jersey, a county or municipality or any board, body, or officer, agency or authority or any other state or subdivision thereof.
c.The county college has advertised for bids pursuant to section 4 of P.L.1982, c.189 (C.18A:64A-25.4) on two occasions and (i) has received no bids on both occasions in response to its advertisement, or (ii) has rejected such bids on two occasions because the county college has determined that they are not reasonable as to price, on the basis of cost estimates prepared for or by the county college prior to the advertising therefor, or have not been independently arrived at in open competition, or (iii) on one occasion no bids were received pursuant to (i) and on one occasion all bids were rejected pursuant to (ii), in whatever sequence; any such contract or agreement may then be negotiated by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the authorized membership of the board of trustees authorizing such contract or agreement; provided, however, that:
(1)A reasonable effort is made by the contracting agent to determine that the same or equivalent materials or supplies at a cost which is lower than the negotiated price are not available from any agency or authority of the United States, the State of New Jersey or from the county in which the county college is located, or any municipality in close proximity to the county college;
(2)The terms, conditions, restrictions and specifications set forth in the negotiated contract or agreement are not substantially different from those which were the subject of competitive bidding pursuant to section 4 of P.L.1982, c.189 (C.18A:64A-25.4); and
(3)Any relevant amendment or modification of any of the terms, conditions, restrictions and specifications, which were the subject of competitive bidding pursuant to section 4 of P.L.1982, c.189 (C.18A:64A-25.4), shall be stated in the resolution awarding such contract or agreement; provided, further, however, that if on the second occasion the bids received are rejected as unreasonable as to price, the county college shall notify each responsible bidder submitting bids on the second occasion of its intention to negotiate and afford each such bidder a reasonable opportunity to negotiate, but the county college shall not award such contract or agreement unless the negotiated price is lower than the lowest rejected bid price submitted on the second occasion by a responsible bidder, is the lowest negotiated price offered by any responsible vendor, and is a reasonable price for such work, materials, supplies or services.
Whenever a county college shall determine that a bid was not arrived at independently in open competition pursuant to subsection c. (ii) of this section, it shall thereupon notify the county prosecutor of the county in which the county college is located and the Attorney General of the facts upon which its determination is based and, when appropriate, it may institute appropriate proceedings in any State or federal court of competent jurisdiction for a violation of any State or federal antitrust law or laws relating to the unlawful restraint of trade.
L.1982,c.189,s.5; amended 1984, c.241, s.3; 1994, c.48, s.142; 2001, c.281, s.2.