18A:72H-3 - Definitions
18A:72H-3. Definitions
3. As used in this act:
a. "Auditorily impaired" means a hearing impairment of such severity that the individual depends primarily upon visual communication.
b. "Competent authority" means any doctor of medicine or any doctor of osteopathy licensed to practice medicine and surgery in this State.
c. (Deleted by amendment, P.L.1994, c.48).
d. "Eligible student" means any student "admitted to a public or independent institution of higher education who is" suffering from a visual impairment, auditory impairment or a specific learning disability within guidelines established by the Commission on Higher Education pursuant to regulations promulgated under this act.
e. "Independent institution of higher education" means a college or university incorporated and located in New Jersey, which by virtue of law or character or license is a nonprofit educational institution authorized to grant academic degrees and which provides a level of education which is equivalent to the education provided by the State's public institutions of higher education, as attested by the receipt of and continuation of regional accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, and which is eligible to receive State aid under the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, but does not include any educational institution dedicated primarily to the education or training of ministers, priests, rabbis or other professional persons in the field of religion.
f. "Learning disability" means a significant barrier to learning caused by a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. The disorder includes conditions such as perceptual handicap, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. This term shall not include learning problems which are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor handicaps, mental retardation, emotional disturbances, or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.
g. "Program" means the Higher Education Services for Visually Impaired, Auditorily Impaired and Learning Disabled Students Program established pursuant to this act.
h. "Public institution of higher education" means Rutgers, The State University, the New Jersey Institute of Technology, the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, the State colleges and the county colleges.
i. "Support services" or "supportive services" means services that assist eligible students in obtaining a college education and include, but are not limited to, interpreters, note takers, and tutors.
j. "Visually impaired" means a vision impairment where the better eye with correction does not exceed 20/200 or where there is a field defect in the better eye in which the diameter of the field is no greater than 20 degrees.
L.1985,c.493,s.3; amended 1994,c.48,s.282.