19:31-15 - Removal of name from Statewide voter registration system; change of residence; confirmation
19:31-15 Removal of name from Statewide voter registration system; change of residence; confirmation.19:31-15. a. Upon receipt by the commissioner of registration of a county from a registered voter of that county of a request that the name of the registrant be removed from the Statewide voter registration system, the commissioner shall so remove the registrant's name. Notice by a registered voter to the commissioner of registration of a county that the registrant has ceased to reside in the State shall, for the purposes of this subsection, be deemed a request for removal of the registrant's name from the Statewide voter registration system.
b.The commissioner of registration of any county may agree with the United States Postal Service or its licensee to receive information provided by the Postal Service concerning the change by any Postal Service customer of that customer's address within the county. If it appears from information so received that a Postal Service customer registered to vote in the county has moved to a different address, then (1) if that address is within the county, the commissioner shall cause the registration records of the registrant to be corrected accordingly and shall transmit to the resident by forwardable mail a notice of the change and a postage prepaid, pre-addressed return form by which the registrant may verify or correct the address information, or (2) if that address is not within the county, the commissioner shall undertake the confirmation notice procedure prescribed under subsection d. of this section to confirm the change of address.
c.The commissioner of registration of a county shall cause the name of a registrant to be removed from the Statewide voter registration system if the registrant (1) confirms in writing, by return of a confirmation notice as prescribed under subsection d. of this section or by other means, that the registrant has changed residence to a place outside the State, or (2) has either not notified the commissioner or failed to respond to a confirmation notice as so prescribed and has not, in any election during the period beginning on the date on which the commissioner sends the confirmation notice to the registrant and ending on the day after the second general election for federal office following that date on which the notice is sent, (a) voted, or (b) appeared to vote in any county and, if necessary, correct the official record of the registrant's address.
Other than as provided under subsection a. of this section, the name of a registrant shall not be removed from the Statewide voter registration system on the ground that the registrant has changed residence except as provided by this subsection.
d.A confirmation notice sent to ascertain whether a registrant continues to reside at the address from which that registrant is registered to vote shall be a postage prepaid and pre-addressed return card, sent by forwardable mail, which shall include: (1) space on which the registrant's current address may be entered; (2) the statement "To any voter who continues to reside at the residence address to which this notice is addressed or who no longer resides at that residence address but continues to reside in.................. (name of county): please mail or personally deliver this postage prepaid card to the commissioner of registration to whom it is addressed not later than................. (calendar date of the 21st day preceding the next election to be held in the county). If you do not return this card by that date, then at any election held subsequent to that date and on or before................. (calendar date of the day after the second general election for federal office following that date), you may be required at the polls to affirm or confirm your address before you are permitted to vote, and if you do not vote in an election during that period, your name will be removed from the registry of eligible voters."; and (3) a statement, the text of which shall be prescribed by the Attorney General, setting forth the means by which a registrant who has changed residence to a county different from that in which is located the residence to which the notice was originally addressed may retain the right to vote. e.The commissioner of registration shall correct the registry list of eligible voters in accordance with change of residence information obtained in conformity with the provisions of this section.
Amended 1940, c.155; 1941, c.273, s.2; 1945, c.18; 1947, c.168, s.19; 1952, c.292; 1953, c.206; 1991, c.91, s.249; 1994, c.182, s.13; 2005, c.139, s.15; 2005, c.145, s.12.