23:3-29 - Licenses for raising, selling game birds, animals
23:3-29 Licenses for raising, selling game birds, animals.
23:3-29. A person desiring to engage in the business of raising and selling game birds or game animals, or both, in a wholly enclosed area of which he is the owner or lessee, or to have in captivity game birds or game animals, shall apply in writing to the division for a license to do so. The license fee shall be $10.00 per year for each of the above purposes.
A person desiring to propagate pheasant, partridge, or quail, or any of them, in a semiwild state on lands of which he is the owner or lessee, shall apply in writing to the division for a license to do so. The license fee shall be $75.00 per year. No two or more noncontiguous tracts of land shall be covered under the same license.
The division, when it appears that the application is made in good faith, and is in the public interest, may, upon the payment of the fee for each license, issue to the applicant such of the following license or licenses as may be applied for:
a.Propagating license permitting the licensee to propagate game birds or game animals, or both, in the wholly enclosed area, the location of which is stated in the license and the application therefor, and to sell such propagated game birds or game animals, or both, and ship them from the State alive at any time and to kill the same and sell the carcasses for food subject to the conditions prescribed by R.S.23:3-28 to 23:3-39, inclusive;
b.License to propagate pheasant, partridge, or quail, or any of them, in a semiwild state on lands of which the applicant is the owner or lessee, when the applicant shall have produced evidence satisfactory to the division that he will raise, or purchase for liberation, and liberate on the semiwild preserve at least one pheasant, quail, partridge or combination thereof for each acre of land to be licensed or at least 200 pheasant, quail or partridge or combination thereof between November 1 of the year for which the license is issued and the following February 28;
c.License to keep game birds and animals in captivity; or
d.License to operate a "commercial pheasant, mallard, quail and partridge-shooting preserve," as defined pursuant to R.S.23:3-28, on lands owned or leased by the applicant, who shall apply in writing to the division for a license to do so. The license fee shall be $320.00 per year for the first tract of land and $165 per year for each additional tract of land, each of which shall be at least 50 acres in size, and the form of the application and license shall be determined by the division. Two or more noncontiguous tracts of land owned or leased, or operated as a commercial pheasant, mallard, quail and partridge-shooting preserve by the same person shall be covered under the same license.
The division may, upon payment of the fee, issue to the applicant such a license when it appears that:
(1)The operation of such shooting preserve shall not conflict with a prior reasonable public interest; and
(2)The applicant shall have produced evidence satisfactory to the division that he will raise or purchase for liberation and liberate on the shooting preserve a total of at least 500 pheasant, mallard, quail and partridge or combination thereof between September 1 of the year for which the license was issued and the following May 1.
e.The fees for licenses set forth in this section may be adjusted by the Fish and Game Council pursuant to section 12 of P.L.1982, c.180 (C.23:3-1a).
f.The division shall coordinate the dates of issuance and renewal of the licenses to propagate game birds with the dates of issuance and renewal of licenses to operate commercial pheasant, mallard, quail and partridge-shooting preserves, and to the extent practicable, shall issue and renew these licenses under one license.
Amended 1948, c.113, s.2;1953, c.175, s.2;1955, c.104, s.2;1967, c.157, s.1;1970, c.186, s.1;1971, c.75, s.1;1979, c.220, s.1;1982, c.180, s.5;1995, c.370, s.2;1999, c.282, s.16.
23:3-31.Killing game; sale; conditions; license required
23:3-31. Game birds or animals bred or raised in the wholly enclosed area may be killed in any manner other than shooting, except in the case of deer, which may be killed by shooting, at any time and the carcasses sold for food. No such game birds or animals shall be sold for food unless the carcass of each bird or animal shall have been tagged with a suitable tag or seal supplied by the division. Nothing in sections 23:3-28 to 23:3-39 of this title, shall alter or supersede the laws requiring a license to hunt.
Amended 1995,c.370,s.3.
23:3-32.Pheasants, partridge, quail; killing, shipping, commercial shooting preserve license, conditions
23:3-32. No pheasants, partridge or quail propagated in a semiwild state shall be sold. No such pheasants, partridge or quail shall be taken, possessed or transported unless each bird shall have been tagged with the special tag prescribed by R.S.23:3-28 to 23:3-39. No licensee raising pheasants, partridge or quail in a semiwild state shall procure from the division during any year of operation more tags to be affixed to the dead bodies of pheasants, partridge or quail propagated in a semiwild state than the number of pheasants, partridge or quail to be liberated, between November 1 and February 28. The tags shall be of a special kind provided for the purpose and shall be allocated by species and number of game birds liberated. The number of birds taken in any year, either alive or dead, on lands on which pheasants, partridge or quail are propagated in a semiwild state shall not exceed the number of tags obtained for each species from the division. Pheasants, quail and partridge propagated in a semiwild state may be taken by shooting only from 9:00 a.m. on November 10 or such opening date as may otherwise be prescribed by the State Fish and Game Code, to February 28 of the following year, unless otherwise prescribed by such code. R.S.23:4-24 relating to hunting on Sunday shall not apply to any person authorized to shoot pheasants, quail, and partridge under R.S.23:3-28 to 23:3-39. No pheasants, partridge or quail propagated in a semiwild state shall be trapped without the written permission of the division.
Under a "commercial pheasant, mallard, quail and partridge-shooting preserve" license, pheasants, mallard, quail and partridge may be taken by shooting only on lands described in the application and license, without regard to sex and daily bag limit, by fully licensed hunters authorized by the licensee to shoot on the land between September 1 and the following May 1, both dates inclusive and during any further period, not exceeding 31 days, which the commissioner may, from time to time, designate for that purpose upon the recommendation of the Director of the Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife.
No pheasants, mallard, quail or partridge shall be taken, possessed or transported, unless each bird shall have been tagged with a suitable tag or seal supplied by the division, and no licensee shall receive from the division, during any year of operation, more tags to be affixed to the bodies of pheasants, mallard, quail and partridge than one tag for each pheasant, mallard, quail and partridge liberated during the shooting period hereinbefore specified.
Amended 1940,c.233; 1941,c.301; 1948,c.113,s.3; 1953,c.175,s.3; 1955,c.104,s.3; 1961,c.5,s.1; 1967,c.157,s.2; 1970,c.186,s.2; 1971, c.75,s.2; 1979,c.220,s.2; 1995,c.370,s.4.