24:16B-3 - Definitions
24:16B-3. Definitions
For the purposes of this act, the following definitions shall be applicable unless the context indicates otherwise:
"Animal" means cattle, poultry, sheep, swine, goats, horses or other equines, and such other animals as the board may designate.
"Animal food manufacturer" means any person engaged in the business of manufacturing or processing animal food derived wholly or in part from carcasses, or parts or products of the carcasses, of animals for purposes other than for use as human food except as otherwise provided for by law or exempted by regulation prescribed by the board.
"Board" means the State Board of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, State of New Jersey.
"Carcasses" means bodies or any part or portion of dead animals.
"Container" or "package" means any box, can, tin, cloth, plastic, or any other receptacle, wrapper or cover used to hold any animal carcasses, meat or meat food product.
"Disposal plant" means a place of business or a location where the carcasses of animals or meat-packing house refuse are received or unloaded and where such carcasses or refuse either are processed for the purpose of obtaining the hide, skin, grease, residue, fertilizer, food for animals or any other by-product from said animals or refuse, in any way whatsoever, or are fed to hogs, dogs, fur-bearing or other animals.
"Handler-distributor" means a person who engages in the business (other than for direct sale to the consumer), of buying, selling or distributing, storing or transporting any animal carcass, or part thereof, or meat or meat food product intended for use as human food.
"Federal Meat Inspection Act" means the act so entitled approved March 4, 1907 (34 Stat. 1260), as amended by the Wholesome Meat Act (81 Stat. 584), and acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, including those hereafter enacted.
"Inspector" means an employee or agent of the Department of Agriculture authorized by the secretary to inspect animals or the carcasses or parts thereof, meat or meat food products, under the authority of this article.
"Label" means a display of written, printed, or graphic matter upon the immediate wrapper, container or package (not including package liners) of any article.
"Licensee" means any person licensed pursuant to this act.
"Meat" means any edible part of the carcass of any animal.
"Meat food product" means any article of food, or any article intended for use as human food, which is derived or prepared, in whole or in part, from any portion of any animal, unless exempted by the board upon its determination that the article (1) contains only a minimal amount of meat and is not represented as a meat food product; or (2) is for medicinal purposes; or (3) is denatured and is so labeled.
"Official inspection mark" means any symbol, formulated pursuant to rules and regulations prescribed by the board, stating that an article was inspected and passed.
"Packing" means the activity of packaging or containing and labeling any animal carcass or part thereof or meat or meat food product intended for use as human food.
"Person" means any individual, proprietor, partnership, corporation, association or business entity.
"Preparing" means the activity of slaughtering, canning, salting, rendering, boning, cutting-up or otherwise manufacturing or processing any animal carcass, meat or meat food product intended for use as human food.
"Primary establishment" or "licensed primary establishment" means an establishment engaged in the slaughtering, processing, preparing, or packaging of animals, the carcasses or parts thereof or meat or meat food products intended for use as human food.
"Primary licensee" means a person who owns, operates or conducts a primary establishment.
"Processing" means the activity of preparing, canning, salting, freezing or otherwise manufacturing any animal carcass or part thereof, meat or meat food product intended for use as human food.
"Secondary establishment" or "secondary licensed establishment" means an establishment engaged in the slaughtering or rendering of animals, the carcasses or parts thereof for purposes other than for use as human food, or an animal food manufacturing plant, or a disposal plant.
"Secondary licensee" means a person who owns, operates or conducts a secondary establishment.
"Renderer" means any person engaged in the business of rendering carcasses, or parts or products of animals.
"Secretary" means the Secretary of Agriculture of the State of New Jersey.
"Wholesome" means sound, healthful, clean and otherwise fit for human consumption.
The board shall, by rule or regulation, prescribe such other definitions as necessary in order to effectuate the purposes of this act; provided, however, said definitions shall equal definitions under the Federal Meat Inspection Act, when applicable.
L.1968, c. 105, s. 3, eff. July 1, 1968.