26:2B-35 - Distribution of enforcement moneys
26:2B-35. Distribution of enforcement moneys
a. Moneys dedicated for enforcement from the Alcohol Education, Rehabilitation and Enforcement Fund shall be distributed as follows:
(1) One-third shall be distributed to the "Municipal Court Administration Reimbursement Fund" pursuant to subsection b. of this section.
(2) Two-thirds shall be distributed in the "Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund" established pursuant to section 1 of P.L.1984, c.4 (C.39:4-50.8).
b. (1) Each municipality in this State shall present to the Administrative Office of the Courts, before December 31, 1983, the number of drunk driving arrests in the municipality during calendar year 1980. This number shall be the base year number of arrests. In any municipality in which the number of drunk driving arrests for calendar year 1980 exceeds the average of the number of drunk driving arrests for calendar years 1979 and 1981, that municipality may substitute the lower average figure as the base figure for the calculation in this subsection. The municipality shall certify this substitution in writing to the Administrative Office of the Courts within 90 days of the effective date of this 1986 amendatory act. Once a substituted base year figure is used, it may not thereafter be changed. Beginning January 15, 1984, and each year thereafter the municipality shall report to the Administrative Office of the Courts the number of drunk driving arrests made in its municipality during the preceding calendar year.
(2) The Administrative Office of the Courts shall certify the amounts submitted by each municipality and shall calculate for each municipality any increase in the number of arrests between the base year and the number of arrests reported for the preceding calendar year. The Administrative Office of the Courts shall then calculate the sum of all increases for all municipalities reporting.
(3) Beginning for calendar year 1983, the following fraction shall be calculated for each municipality:
The increase in drunk driving arrests in the municipality between the base year and the preceding year over the total of increases in drunk driving arrests between the base year and the preceding year in all reporting municipalities in the State.
This fraction shall be multiplied by the total amount of the money available in the "Municipal Court Administration Reimbursement Fund" in the preceding calendar year. This amount shall be allocated to the municipality for the purpose of maintaining its municipal court, which may include payments to municipal court judges, municipal prosecutors and other municipal court personnel for work performed in addition to regular employment hours.
L.1983,c.531,s.6; amended 1986, c.146; 1990,c.41,s.7.
26:2B-36.Findings, declarations relative to alcoholism, drug abuse among the deaf, hard of hearing, disabled
1. The Legislature finds and declares that: there is growing evidence that people with deafness, hearing loss or other disabilities are at greater risk of being involved with alcohol or other drugs of abuse than the general population; the deaf and hard of hearing have a communication disability which prevents them from receiving and communicating information that would enable them to make more informed decisions about their own use, abuse or addiction to alcohol and other drugs; and the combined impact of physical impairment, attitudinal and architectural barriers, societal discrimination and the psychological stresses that accompany disability may create a special vulnerability for substance abuse in people with disabilities.
The Legislature further finds and declares that: few rehabilitation centers and professionals working with the deaf, hard of hearing and other disabled persons are adequately prepared or trained to identify, recognize or deal with the signs of substance abuse; and New Jersey needs the development of specialized services for people with disabilities who abuse, misuse and are addicted to alcohol and other drugs.
26:2B-37 "Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Disabled" established.
2.The Commissioner of Health and Senior Services shall establish an "Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Disabled" in consultation with the program advisory committee established pursuant to this section and in consultation with and after review by the Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.
There is established a program advisory committee to advise the commissioner on the establishment and operation of the "Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Disabled." The members of the advisory committee shall be appointed by the commissioner and shall consist of five members who are either deaf, hard of hearing, or disabled, two members of the public with an interest in issues relating to alcohol and drug abuse and one representative each from the Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, the Developmental Disabilities Council, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services in the Department of Labor, and the Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the Office of Disability Services in the Department of Human Services. The commissioner shall serve as an ex officio member of the committee.
L.1995,c.318,s.2; amended 1999, c.91, s.11.
26:2B-38.Program contents3. The program shall include, but not be limited to: providing public awareness of, and developing advocacy efforts for, the deaf and hard of hearing and other disabled persons who are in need of treatment services for alcoholism and drug abuse, and developing treatment modalities and specialized training programs for this population. The commissioner shall incorporate the services of community-based agencies to develop and implement this program.
26:2B-39.Rules, regulations
4. The commissioner shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of this act pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.).