26:2C-8.56 - Denial of application for reimbursement
26:2C-8.56 Denial of application for reimbursement.
31. a. The State Treasurer may deny an application for reimbursement from the fund, and any reimbursement from the fund may be recoverable by the State Treasurer, upon a finding that:
(1)the owner of a regulated vehicle or regulated equipment failed to commence or complete the purchase or installation of best available retrofit technology on the vehicle or equipment for which an application for reimbursement was filed in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations; or
(2)the owner of a regulated vehicle or regulated equipment provided false information or withheld information on an application that would render the owner ineligible for reimbursement from the fund, that resulted in the owner receiving a larger reimbursement than the owner would otherwise be eligible, or that resulted in payments from the fund in excess of the actual costs incurred by the owner or the amount to which the owner is legally eligible.
b.Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the State Treasurer, the Department of Environmental Protection, or any other State agency or department, to undertake an investigation or make any findings concerning the conduct described in subsection a. of this section.
26:2C-9.Department's duties relative to air pollution control; fees
9. a. The department shall conduct ambient air quality tests, on at least a monthly basis and wherever possible in conjunction with the county college or other county facility, which are representative of every county of the State. The department shall report the results of these tests to the county health officers, the Legislature, and the news media.
b.The department shall control air pollution in accordance with the provisions of any applicable code, rule, or regulation promulgated by the department and for this purpose shall have power to:
(1)Conduct and supervise research programs for the purpose of determining the causes, effects, and hazards of air pollution;
(2)Conduct and supervise Statewide programs of air pollution control education including the preparation and distribution of information relating to air pollution control;
(3)Require the registration of persons engaged in operations that may result in air pollution and the filing of reports, including but not limited to emission statements, by them containing information relating to location, size of outlet, height of outlet, rate and period of emission and composition of effluent, and such other information as the department shall prescribe to be filed relative to air pollution, all in accordance with applicable codes, rules, or regulations established by the department;
(4)Enter and inspect any building or place, except private residences, for the purpose of investigating an actual or suspected source of air pollution and ascertaining compliance or noncompliance with any codes, rules, or regulations of the department. Any information, other than actual or allowable air contaminant emissions, relating to secret processes or methods of manufacture or production obtained in the course of an inspection, investigation, or determination, shall be kept confidential and shall not be admissible in evidence in any court or in any other proceeding except before the department. If samples are taken for analysis, a duplicate of the analytical report shall be furnished promptly to the person suspected of causing air pollution;
(5)Receive or initiate complaints of air pollution, hold hearings in connection with air pollution, and institute legal proceedings for the prevention of air pollution and for the recovery of penalties, in accordance with P.L.1954, c.212 (C.26:2C-1 et seq.);
(6)With the approval of the Governor, cooperate with, and receive funds or other assistance from, the federal government, the State government, any interstate body, or any county or municipal government, or from private sources, for the study and control of air pollution;
(7)Charge, in accordance with a fee schedule that shall be adopted by the department pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), (a) reasonable annual emission fees for major facilities as provided in section 5 of P.L.1995, c.188 (C.26:2C-9.5), and (b) administrative fees for any of the services the department performs or provides in connection with administering P.L.1954, c.212 (C.26:2C-1 et seq.). The administrative fees charged by the department pursuant to this subsection shall not exceed $25,000 per application based on criteria contained in the fee schedule;
(8)Issue, renew, reopen, and revise operating permits, and require any person who is required to obtain an operating permit under the provisions of the federal Clean Air Act to obtain an operating permit and to certify compliance therewith for all air pollution sources; and
(9)Establish, implement, and operate a small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program as required pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 7661f of the federal Clean Air Act.
L.1954,c.212,s.9; amended 1962,c.215,s.3; 1967,c.106,s.7; 1971,c.155,s.1; 1993,c.257; 1995,c.112,s.39; 1995,c.188,s.3.