26:2D-3 - Commission on Radiation Protection
26:2D-3. Commission on Radiation Protection
There is hereby created in the Department of Environmental Protection the Commission on Radiation Protection, which shall consist of 10 members, three of whom shall be the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, the Commissioner of Health, and the Commissioner of Labor, or their designees, who shall serve ex officio and seven members with scientific training in medicine, radiology, nonionizing radiation, infrasonics, ultrasonics, radiation physics, medical physics, epidemiology, atomic energy or biology or engineering, to be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate.
L. 1958, c. 116, p. 593, s. 3. Amended by L. 1971, c. 372, s. 2, eff. Dec. 30, 1971; L. 1986, c. 28, s. 2, eff. June 17, 1986.