27:1B-2 - Findings, declarations
27:1B-2. Findings, declarations
2. The Legislature finds and declares that:
a. A sound, balanced transportation system is vital to the future of the State and is a key factor in its continued economic development.
b. The transportation infrastructure of the State is among the most heavily used in the nation and has deteriorated alarmingly in recent years, with parts of the highway system reaching the end of their useful lives. This deterioration has been caused, in part, because New Jersey, unlike most states and the federal government, has not provided a stable source of transportation funding.
c. There exists an urgent need for a stable and assured method of financing the planning, acquisition, engineering, construction, reconstruction, repair and rehabilitation of the State's transportation system, including the financing of the State's share under federal aid highway laws of the cost of planning, acquisition, engineering, construction, reconstruction, repair, resurfacing, and rehabilitation of public highways and of the State's share of the planning, acquisition, engineering, construction, reconstruction, repair, maintenance and rehabilitation of public transportation projects and other transportation projects in the State, that will enable the State to construct and maintain the safe, balanced, sound and efficient transportation system necessary for the well-being of the State's citizens.
d. Unless additional State funding is provided immediately for the State's transportation system, the cost of repair and reconstruction will increase geometrically and the economic well-being and safety of users of the State's transportation system will be endangered.
e. Transportation facilities under the jurisdiction of counties and municipalities form an integral and vital part of the State's transportation system. Without State aid, counties and municipalities will be unable to meet the cost of maintaining, rehabilitating and improving these facilities.
f. The State's commitment to the payment for and financing of the State transportation system in a stable fashion, thus ensuring a predictable and continuing public investment in transportation and allowing the State to take full advantage of funds provided by the federal government, is a public use and public purpose for which public money may be expended and tax exemptions granted. The powers and duties of the New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority and the other measures hereinafter described are necessary and proper for the purpose of achieving the ends herein recited.
g. Mass transit passenger service is a vital component of the transportation system in the northern part of the State. Because transit service is of such importance to that region, it is paramount that an essential group of related transit projects be constructed. These projects, known as the Circle of Mobility, would add connections to and between urban centers, ease the movement of people, goods, and services within and through the State, and enhance the economic growth of the State. However, these significant benefits cannot be completely realized unless all projects comprising the Circle of Mobility are undertaken and completed in a timely manner.
L.1984,c.73,s.2; amended 1991,c.40,s.1; 1995,c.84,s.1.