27:25-13 - Power of acquisition by purchase, condemnation, lease, gift or otherwise; exercise of power of condemnation
27:25-13. Power of acquisition by purchase, condemnation, lease, gift or otherwise; exercise of power of condemnation
a. The corporation shall have the power to acquire by purchase, condemnation, lease, gift or otherwise, on terms and conditions and in the manner it deems proper, for use by the corporation or for use by any other public or private entity providing public transportation services, all or part of the facility, plant, equipment, property, shares of stock, rights of property, reserve funds, employees pension or retirement funds, special funds, franchises, licenses, patents, permits and papers, documents and records of a public or private entity providing public transportation services within the State.
b. The corporation shall also have the power to acquire by purchase, condemnation, lease, gift or otherwise, on the terms and conditions and in the manner it deems proper, any land or property real or personal, tangible or intangible which it may determine is reasonably necessary for the purposes of the corporation under the provisions of this act.
c. (1) The corporation, when acquiring property pursuant to subsections a. or b. of this section shall exercise its power of eminent domain in accordance with the provisions of the "Eminent Domain Act of 1971," P.L.1971, c. 361 (C. 20:3-1 et seq.).
(2) For purposes of this act the definition of property in section 2 of P.L.1971, c. 361 (C. 20:3-2) includes all property referred to in subsections a. or b. of this section, and the provisions of P.L.1971, c. 361 shall apply to that property.
d. (1) If the corporation shall determine to acquire by condemnation all outstanding shares of corporate stock of a company and the stock is owned by 10 or more individuals or entities the court, on application of the corporation, shall appoint a trustee who shall act as representative of all stockholders for the purpose of the condemnation proceedings. Upon the appointment of a trustee the corporation may file a single condemnation action condemning all outstanding shares of stock and naming the appointed trustee as representative of all defendant owners.
(2) When a trustee has been appointed pursuant to this section the court may award the trustee a reasonable fee as payment for services rendered. Other costs, expenses and fees shall be paid from the proceeds of the condemnation award or settlement if amicably resolved.
e. A State agency, State authority, county, municipality, bistate authority, or other political subdivision of the State is authorized to donate, give, transfer or assign any asset or property it now owns or may hereafter acquire to the corporation which may be necessary for the furtherance of the objectives of this act.
f. Upon the filing of a declaration of taking the corporation shall be entitled to the immediate possession of all property and assets named therein; and in the case of a condemnation pursuant to subsection d. or the acquisition of the entire assets of any entity, the corporation shall be entitled to immediate possession and control of all assets and facilities and shall have exclusive management authority over the entity taken.
g. Prior to the condemnation of any private entity engaged in the provision of motor bus regular route service, the corporation shall give 60 days' notice of its intent to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the General Assembly, and the chairmen of the Senate and Assembly Transportation and Communications Committees. This subsection shall be in effect for 2 years following the enactment of this act.
h. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the corporation shall not acquire by condemnation any privately owned entity providing public transportation service, which during the previous 12 months has not received operating assistance from the corporation or its predecessor, unless the corporation shall transmit a proposal for the acquisition to the Senate and General Assembly on a day on which both Houses shall be meeting in the course of a regular or special session, along with any other information or materials the Legislature may deem necessary. The provisions of any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, no such proposal shall take effect if, within 60 days of the date of its transmittal to the Senate and General Assembly, the Legislature shall pass a concurrent resolution stating in substance that the Legislature does not favor such proposed acquisition by condemnation.
L.1979, c. 150, s. 13, eff. July 17, 1979.