2B:11-5 - State service applicable; tranferred employees; personnel procedures
2B:11-5. State service applicable; tranferred employees; personnel procedures 5. a. Subject to the judiciary's rights to create new unclassified positions and make unclassified appointments under court rule, and with the exception of employees of the Administrative Office of the Courts under N.J.S.2A:12-2, and certain positions in the centralized Clerks Offices under subsection b. of N.J.S.2B:13-1 or N.J.S.2B:13-13, the judiciary's personnel practices shall be governed by the State Government Services provisions of Title 11A of the New Jersey Statutes and the rules promulgated thereunder. Transferred employees holding provisional, permanent or probationary civil service status at the time of transferring to State service shall retain such status and attendant rights as are available in those categories under State career service. Transferred employees who were in a provisional title under the provisions of subsection b. of N.J.S.11A:4-13 prior to transferring to State service, shall not be subject to displacement by persons on preexisting State eligibility lists, including special reemployment, regular employment and open competitive lists, for the title held by the provisional employees. Employees in the unclassified service, pursuant to N.J.S.11A:3-5, N.J.S.2B:5-2 or Rule 1:33 of the Rules Governing the Courts of New Jersey, shall retain such status and attendant rights.
b. No later than December 1, 1994, each county shall submit to the judiciary lists identifying all transferred employees for review by the judiciary and majority representatives of judicial employees. The judiciary shall, within five working days of receipt, provide a copy to the department and the majority representatives of judicial employees. Such lists shall show each transferred employee's current title, civil service status and date of appointment to that title, and the employee's permanent title and date of appointment if the employee is currently holding a provisional appointment and the employee is permanent in another title. Within 120 days from the date of submission of such lists by the judiciary to the department, the department shall announce tests for generating promotional and open competitive lists for judicial positions where provisional appointments have been made or where there is a need for promotional or open competitive tests by request of the appointing authority.
c. Any civil service promotional list affecting transferred employees or employees to be transferred which expires between the date of the enactment of this act and June 30, 1995 shall be extended provided that the life of the list does not have a duration of more than 54 months, except where a newer civil service promotional list is in existence. If the list is a county-based list, the list shall be used only in that particular county. Existing county special or regular reemployment lists will be used when applicable.
d. In the event the judiciary or the department conducts a system-wide classification study and a result thereof is that an existing title is abolished and replaced with another title, employees who were permanent in the abolished title shall be made permanent in the replacement title. Such permanency shall be made effective retroactive to the date of permanency in the abolished title provided the duties, responsibilities and qualifications are substantially comparable to or less than those of the employee's previous title. In the event the duties, responsibilities and qualifications are not substantially comparable to or less than those of the previous title, the employee shall be made permanent in the replacement title as of the date of the reclassification.
e. Notwithstanding the provisions of Title 11A of the New Jersey Statutes and the rules promulgated thereunder, during the period which begins on January 1, 1995 and ends on June 30, 1998, the judiciary, in consultation with the department, shall establish a compensation plan for State judicial employees. Consultation with the department shall involve that department's representation at collective negotiations sessions and review of the possible impact on the executive branch of any compensation plan or pay schedule which the judiciary contemplates.
(1) During this period, the compensation plan, pay schedules, holidays and overtime shall not be preempted from the scope of negotiations for State judicial employees, provided however that the department shall continue to have the responsibility for the classification of positions for State judicial employees and for the administration of the compensation plan and pay schedules which are established for State judicial employees.
(2) On or before September 30, 1997, the commissioner of the department, after taking into consideration the previously negotiated compensation plan, shall prepare a proposed compensation plan for State judicial employees to become effective no later than July 1, 1998, which either adopts the compensation plan developed by the judiciary or proposes modifications in such plan, together with express written reasons therefor. If the judiciary or any of its collective negotiations representatives disagrees with all or any part of such proposed modifications, the disputed issues shall be submitted to a reviewer mutually selected by the commissioner, the Administrative Director of the Courts and a designee of the judiciary's majority representatives. The reviewer shall submit a report and recommendations to the Merit System Board, which shall render the final binding determination prior to June 30, 1998.
(3) Nothing contained in this subsection shall affect any rights of employees in any branch of State government other than the judicial branch, nor shall anything contained herein be construed to create a different scope of negotiations than that applied to executive branch employees, except for the provisions contained in subsection e. (1) which provide a broader scope of negotiations for a limited 42 month period.
f. On or before December 31, 1994, each county shall transfer to the assignment judge for that county the official personnel file of each transferred employee.