32:11B-9 - Legal investments in securities issued to finance memorial river crossing
32:11B-9. Legal investments in securities issued to finance memorial river crossing
The following may, in addition to other investments allowed by law, properly and legally invest any funds, including capital, belonging to them or within their control in bonds or other obligations issued by the State of Delaware for the purpose of financing the cost of constructing a crossing over or under the Delaware river between the State of New Jersey and the State of Delaware, as a memorial to the citizens of the States of Delaware and New Jersey who gave their lives in the armed forces of the United States in World War II; that is to say:
(a) Insurance companies, insurance associations, and all other persons carrying on an insurance business.
(b) Executors, administrators, guardians, committees, conservators, liquidators, rehabilitators, receivers, trustees, and all other persons occupying similar fiduciary positions.
(c) Banks, trust companies, bankers and savings banks.
(d) Savings and loan, and building and loan associations, investment companies, and other financial institutions.
(e) Credit unions, cemetery associations, mutual benevolent and benefit associations.
(f) Firemen's, police, and teachers' association pension and relief funds.
(g) Other pension, retirement, compensation, and sinking fund systems.
(h) The State and its counties, and municipalities and their subdivisions and agencies.
(i) All public officers, officials, boards, commissions, bodies and agencies of the State and its counties, and municipalities and their subdivisions and agencies.
(j) Any other individual, firm, group, corporation, association, institution, and fund of any nature whatsoever.
L.1948, c. 179, p. 923, s. 1.