32:20A-5 - Duties of commission
32:20A-5 Duties of commission.
5. a. The duties of the commission shall be to:
(1)assess present and projected development, land use, and land management practices and patterns, and identify actual and potential environmental threats and problems, around Greenwood Lake and within its watershed, and determine the effects of those practices and patterns, threats, and problems upon the natural, scenic, and recreational resources of Greenwood Lake and its watershed;
(2)develop recommended regulations, procedures, policies, planning strategies, and model ordinances and resolutions pertaining to the protection, preservation, maintenance, management, and enhancement of Greenwood Lake and its watershed, which would be implemented as appropriate on a voluntary basis by those entities with representatives on the commission;
(3)coordinate environmental clean up, maintenance, and protection efforts undertaken, for the benefit of Greenwood Lake and its watershed, by those entities with representatives on the commission;
(4)coordinate with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's watershed management program for the area that includes Greenwood Lake;
(5)recommend appropriate State legislation and administrative action pertaining to the protection, preservation, maintenance, management, and enhancement of Greenwood Lake and its watershed;
(6)advocate, and where appropriate, act as a coordinating, distributing, or recipient agency for, federal, State, or private funding of environmental cleanup, maintenance, and protection projects for Greenwood Lake and its watershed, which projects may include the work of the commission; and
(7)take such other action as may be appropriate or necessary to further the purpose of this act.
b.The commission shall consult with the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council, established pursuant to section 4 of P.L.2004, c.120 (C.13:20-4), in carrying out its duties as prescribed pursuant to subsection a. of this section. Any action taken by the commission that may impact upon or otherwise affect the Highlands preservation area, as defined in section 3 of P.L.2004, c.120 (C.13:20-3), shall be consistent with the Highlands regional master plan adopted by the council pursuant to section 8 of that act.
L.1999,c.402,s.5; amended 2004, c.120, s.59.