33:1-93.14 - Definitions relative to malt alcoholic beverages
33:1-93.14 Definitions relative to malt alcoholic beverages.
3.As used in sections 1 through 9 of this act:
"Base product" is a malt alcoholic beverage product distributed by a wholesaler.
"Brand extension" means any malt alcoholic beverage product offered for sale in the State, other than on a test market basis in a defined market area, that uses as part of its brand name, logo, packaging or trade dress, including but not limited to, the name of the brewer if the brewer's name is a part of the product name, or that is sold or marketed to the beer trade or to the consumer substantially in association with, a brand name, logo, packaging or trade dress, including, but not limited to, the name of the brewer if the brewer's name is a part of the product name, of a malt alcoholic beverage product then distributed by a wholesaler.
"Brewer" means any person, whether located within or outside the State who:
a.brews, manufactures, imports, markets or supplies malt alcoholic beverages and sells malt alcoholic beverages to a plenary wholesale licensee or a limited wholesale licensee for the purpose of resale; an agent or broker of such a person who solicits orders for or arranges sales of such person's malt alcoholic beverages to a plenary wholesale licensee or a limited wholesale licensee for the purpose of resale; or a successor brewer.
"Fair market value" of an asset means the price at which the asset would change hands between a willing seller and a willing buyer when neither is acting under compulsion and when both have knowledge of the relevant facts.
"Good cause" means and is limited to a failure to substantially comply with reasonable terms contained in a contract or agreement between a brewer and wholesaler that contains the same terms as the brewer's contract with similarly situated United States, not including United States territories or possessions, distributors.
"Person" means a natural person, corporation, partnership, trust, or other entity and, in case of an entity, it shall include any other entity, except a natural person, which has a majority interest in such entity or effectively controls such entity.
"Sale or transfer" means any disposition of a contract, agreement or relationship between a brewer and a wholesaler or of any rights to acquire and distribute products of a brewer, or any interest therein, with or without consideration, including, but not limited to, bequest, inheritance, gift, exchange, lease or license.
"Successor brewer" means any person, not under common control with the predecessor brewer, who by any means, including, without limitation, by way of purchase, assignment, transfer, lease, license, appointment, contract, agreement, joint venture, merger, or other disposition of all or part of the business, assets, including trademarks, brands, distribution rights and other intangible assets, or ownership interests of a brewer, acquires the business or malt alcoholic beverage brands of another brewer, or otherwise succeeds to a brewer's interest with respect to any malt alcoholic beverage brands.
"Wholesaler" means a plenary wholesale licensee or a limited wholesale licensee who purchases malt alcoholic beverages from a brewer for the purpose of resale to Class C licensees or State Beverage Distributor Licensees.