39:2A-30 - "Motor Vehicles Affordability and Fairness Task Force."
39:2A-30 "Motor Vehicles Affordability and Fairness Task Force."
30. a. There is created a task force to be known as the "Motor Vehicles Affordability and Fairness Task Force" to study the impact of the current point system and non-driving related suspension of driving privileges, in particular, the Merit Rating Plan Surcharges, on the driving public and make recommendations for the reform of the surcharge suspension program to increase motorist safety. In addition, the task force shall examine "The Parking Offenses Adjudication Act," P.L.1985, c.14 (C.39:4-139.2 et seq.) and municipal court processes related thereto, as well as court actions on surcharge assessments and license suspensions related to nonpayment of fines or tickets as well as motor vehicle moving violations.
b.The task force shall consist of 19 members as follows: the Commissioner of Transportation, ex officio, or a designated representative; the Chair of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, ex officio or a designated representative; a representative of the Administrative Office of the Courts; the Director of the Office of Highway Traffic Safety, in the Department of Law and Public Safety, ex officio, or a designated representative; the Director of the Division of Insurance in the Department of Banking and Insurance, ex officio, or a designated representative; the Chairperson of the State Employment and Training Commission, ex officio or a designated representative; and nine public members, to be appointed by the Governor, among whom shall be included a representative of the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Policy Advisory Council, a representative of a not-for-profit highway safety organization, a representative of the automobile retailers industry, a representative of the automobile insurance industry, a regular operator of a motor vehicle weighing in excess of twenty-six thousand pounds, one law enforcement officer engaged in highway patrol, a representative from the New Jersey State League of Municipalities, a representative from the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice and a representative of a New Jersey based chapter of the American Automobile Association. The Speaker of the General Assembly and the President of the Senate shall each appoint two members who may be public members or members of the Legislature. No more than two of the legislative appointees shall be from the same political party. Legislative appointees shall serve during the legislative term of the appointing authority.
c.The members of the task force shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
d.The task force shall organize as soon as may be practicable after the appointment of a majority of its members and shall select a chairperson from among the members. The members shall select a secretary, who need not be a member of the task force.
e.The task force shall meet at the call of the chairperson.
f.The task force shall be entitled to call to its assistance and avail itself of the services of the employees of any State department, board, bureau, commission or agency, as it may require and as may be available for its purposes, and to employ stenographic and clerical assistance and incur traveling and other miscellaneous expenses as may be necessary in order to perform its duties, within the limits of funds appropriated or otherwise made available to it for its purposes.
g.The task force shall study and develop recommendations concerning the following issues, including but not limited to:
(1)the rapid growth in the number of driver's license suspensions;
(2)identification and regulation of drivers to deter unlawful and unsafe acts;
(3)establishment of a mechanism to assist low-income residents that are hard pressed to secure the restoration of driving privileges;
(4)reform of the parking ticket suspension system and "The Parking Offenses Adjudication Act"; and
(5)increasing the collection of outstanding surcharges.
h.The study shall include, but not be limited to, investigating issues of motor vehicle safety, insurance, finance, and socioeconomic conditions. The task force shall review and analyze studies examining the social impacts of driver's license and registration suspensions. The task force shall also review and analyze studies and statistics regarding surcharges and suspensions to develop recommendations for reform.
i.The task force shall develop recommendations for public and private strategies and recommendations for legislative or regulatory action, if deemed appropriate, to address these issues. The recommendations shall include suggestions for the development of public information campaigns to educate and inform motorists about driver's license and registration suspensions, and methods of lessening financial and social burdens on motorists.
j.The task force's recommendations shall be aimed at developing and implementing an amnesty policy and a reform of the surcharge suspension. The task force shall review the impact of suspension of driving privileges upon businesses and individuals dependent upon having a valid driver's license for gainful employment and to conduct commerce in this State.
k.The task force shall prepare and submit a final report containing its findings and recommendations, including any recommendations for legislative or regulatory action that it deems appropriate, no later than one year after the task force organizes, to the Governor, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the General Assembly, and the members of the Senate Transportation Committee and the Assembly Transportation Committee, or their successors.
l. Upon the submission of the final report the task force shall dissolve. Any and all materials, records, work products or other property of the task force shall become property of the commission.