4:22-48 - Forfeiture, sale of seized animals
4:22-48. Forfeiture, sale of seized animals
4:22-48. The person seizing animals, creatures, implements or appliances as authorized in section 4:22-47 of this Title, shall, within 24 hours thereafter, apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to have the same forfeited and sold.
If, upon the hearing of the application, it is found and adjudged that at the time of the seizure the animals, creatures, implements or appliances were engaged or used in violation of section 4:22-47 or paragraphs "e," "f," "g," "u," "v," or "w" of section 4:22-26 of this Title, or were owned, possessed or kept with the intent that they should be so engaged or used, they shall be adjudged forfeited, and the court shall order the same sold in such manner as it shall deem proper, and after deducting the costs and expenses, shall dispose of the proceeds as provided in section 4:22-55 of this Title.
A bird or animal found or adjudged to be of no use or value may be liberated or disposed of as directed by the court.
The costs of sheltering, caring for, treating, and if necessary, destroying an animal or creature, including veterinary expenses therefor, until the animal or creature is adjudged forfeited and sold, liberated, or disposed of pursuant to this section shall be borne by the owner of the animal or creature.
A creature or property which is adjudged not forfeited shall be returned to the owner, and the person making the seizure shall pay all costs and expenses thereof.
Amended 1953, c.5, s.82; 1989,c.35,s.5.