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40:37-152 - Rules and regulations;  penalties for violations

40:37-152.  Rules and regulations;  penalties for violations
    The commission may:

    a.  Make, alter, amend and repeal rules and regulations for the protection,  regulation and control of the parks and parkways, and the roads, driveways,  sidewalks, paths, lakes, pools, ponds, fountains, trees, flowers, shrubs,  statuary, buildings, tools, implements and other things contained therein;

    b.  Make rules and regulations governing, controlling, regulating and limiting the speed of motor vehicles upon the parkways under its control and the driveways within the parks and reservations under its control;

    c.  Make rules excluding motor vehicles from such driveways within parks and  reservations as it shall determine and designate by appropriate signs erected  at or near the entrance to such driveways;

    d.  Limit and prevent the driving or travel upon the parkways under its control and upon the driveways within the parks and reservations of loaded or heavy trucks, wagons or carts, or public omnibuses, express wagons, carts or other vehicles carrying or ordinarily used to carry merchandise, goods, tools or rubbish, however propelled;

    e.  Fix the amount of fines and penalties for the violation of these rules and regulations.  Such rules and regulations shall take effect ten days after their passage by the commission, and after their publication once a week for four weeks in at least five newspapers circulating in the county.

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