40:48-8.33a - Bonds, notes, or lease for convention hall facility; report after issuance; notice to director of division of local government services; certification; payment
40:48-8.33a. Bonds, notes, or lease for convention hall facility; report after issuance; notice to director of division of local government services; certification; payment
a. Within 30 days after the issuance of any bonds or notes for, or the execution of a lease in connection with, the acquisition, construction, reconstruction or improvement of a convention hall facility as set forth in subsection b. of section 5 of this act (C. 40:48-8.30a), the county improvement authority shall file a report with the Local Finance Board setting forth, if applicable, the principal amount of bonds or notes issued for that project, the annual payments of principal and interest to be made on the bonds or notes with respect to that project, the terms and provisions of the financing undertaken for, or the lease entered into in connection with, the project, and such engineering and feasibility studies as may have been commissioned and used by the county improvement authority in connection with financing the project.
b. At least 90 days prior to the date set forth in subsection b. of section 5 of this act (C. 40:48-8.30a), an authorized officer of the county improvement authority issuing bonds or notes for, or entering into a lease in connection with, the acquisition, construction, reconstruction or improvement of the convention hall facility shall notify the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs of the precise date on which the provisions of that subsection shall take effect, the amounts payable thereafter (1) on account of the principal and interest on, or reserve funding requirements on, those bonds or notes, or (2) as rent under the lease, and the name and address of the paying agent or agents for the bonds or notes, or of the lessor under the lease. The director shall, upon the receipt of that notice, verify the facts contained therein, and certify the same to the State Treasurer.
c. Following the certification in subsection b. of this section and upon the date set forth therein, the State Treasurer shall transfer all moneys accumulated in the luxury tax fund to the development fund as provided in subsection b. of section 5 of this act (C. 40:48-8.30a), and shall thereafter pay prior to each payment date from the luxury tax fund the amounts certified to be paid (1) to the appropriate paying agent or agents for the principal and interest on, or reserve funding requirements on, the bonds or notes, or (2) to the lessor as rent under the lease.
d. In lieu of the provisions of subsections a., b. and c. of this section and of the provisions of section 8 of P.L.1979, c. 273 (C. 40:48-8.33), the following procedure may be followed if any portion of the payment of principal of and interest on, or reserve funding requirements on, any bonds or notes issued for, or the rental payments on any lease entered into in connection with, the acquisition, construction, reconstruction or improvement of a convention hall facility are to be paid from revenues, other than revenues derived under P.L.1947, c. 71 (C. 40:48-8.15 et seq.), that are held in any funds by the State Treasurer:
(1) Prior to the adoption of a resolution authorizing the issuance of any bonds or notes for, or entering into a lease in connection with, the acquisition, construction, reconstruction or improvement of any convention hall facility, the county improvement authority shall submit the resolution or lease, as the case may be, to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services and to the State Treasurer for approval of the State Treasurer, which approval may be based upon recommendations of the director based upon findings made in a manner similar to that required of the Local Finance Board pursuant to subsection (b) of section 8 of P.L.1979, c. 273 (C. 40:48-8.33);
(2) The State Treasurer shall, as provided in subsection b. of section 5 of this act (C. 40:48-8.30a), transfer, upon the date set forth in a certificate of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services which shall be in the form set forth in subsection b. of this section and delivered to the State Treasurer, all moneys accumulated in the luxury tax fund to the development fund; and
(3) The State Treasurer shall thereafter pay prior to each payment date from the luxury tax fund the amounts required to be paid (i) to the appropriate paying agent or agents in accordance with the provisions of the applicable resolution for principal of and interest on, or reserve funding requirements on, the bonds or notes, or (ii) to the lessor in accordance with the provisions of the lease as rent under the lease.
L.1981, c. 461, s. 7, eff. Jan. 8, 1982. Amended by L.1982, c. 113, s. 22, eff. Aug. 14, 1982.