40A:9-154.6a - Definitions
40A:9-154.6a Definitions
1. As used in this act:
a. "Director" means the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs.
b. "Management responsibility" means the supervisory responsibility for planning, scheduling, directing, controlling and coordinating the daily and long term operations of public works activities, as applicable, including the utilization of manpower, equipment, materials, funds, and other available resources.
c. "Public Works Advisory Board" means that board appointed by the director to review the examination, assist in evaluating qualifications for granting certificates, review of municipal applications for exemption, and review of continuing education programs and other duties as the director may from time to time assign. The board shall meet at least one time each year.
d. "Public works activity" means maintenance of streets, drainage, public buildings and places, water and waste water, solid waste, motor vehicles, or similar items related to the physical plant and infrastructure of a municipality. For the purposes of this act, a municipal utilities authority shall not be considered a public works activity.
e. "Principal public works manager" means a certified public works manager who performs administrative and supervisory duties relating to installation, maintenance and repair of public works facilities, or assists in planning, organizing and directing all programs relating to a public works activity, or a combination thereof, who is appointed by the local governing body, its designated appointing authority or chief executive officer, and who is not an elected member of that governing body, who advises municipal elected officials and employees in proper compliance and administration of the various laws, regulations, technical practices, operations and management techniques with regard to public works activities conducted by the municipality. The designation principal public works manager shall not be considered a separate position or title within the municipality but shall signify the performance of duties by the person selected to advise municipal elected officials and employees.
f. "Public works manager" means a person who in at least 5 of the last 10 years, has served in a position of public or private public works, construction management or civil engineering position where no less than fifty percent of the person's work time was directly spent in daily, direct supervision of public works activities.
g. "Certified public works manager" means a public works manager who meets any one of the following criteria:
i. completes the requirements of section 2 of P.L.1991, c.258 (C.40A:9-154.6b);
ii. has a bachelor or greater degree in civil or related public works engineering, and is a licensed professional engineer in New Jersey;
iii. has served in one or more municipalities continuously for the five years prior to January 1, 1997, except that certification shall be limited to the municipality where the public works manager is employed at the time he applies for the certificate pursuant to section 3 of P.L.1991, c.258 (C.40A:9-154.6c);
iv. graduated as a certified public works manager from Rutgers, The State University prior to August 13, 1994.
L.1991,c.258,s.1; amended 1995,c.46,s.1.