43:16A-11.7 - Definition of veteran
43:16A-11.7 Definition of veteran.
1.For purposes of this act "veteran" means any honorably discharged officer, soldier, sailor, airman, marine or nurse who served in any Army, Air Force or Navy of the Allies of the United States in World War I, between July 14, 1914, and November 11, 1918, or who served in any Army, Air Force or Navy of the Allies of the United States in World War II, between September 1, 1939, and September 2, 1945, and who was inducted into such service through voluntary enlistment, and was a citizen of the United States at the time of such enlistment, and who did not, during or by reason of such service, renounce or lose United States citizenship, and any officer, soldier, sailor, marine, airman, nurse or army field clerk, who has served in the active military or naval service of the United States and has or shall be discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable, in any of the following wars, uprisings, insurrections, expeditions, or emergencies, and who has presented to the retirement system evidence of such record of service in form and content satisfactory to said retirement system:
(1)The Indian wars and uprisings during any of the periods recognized by the War Department of the United States as periods of active hostility;
(2)The Spanish-American War between April 20, 1898, and April 11, 1899;
(3)The Philippine insurrections and expeditions during the periods recognized by the War Department of the United States as of active hostility from February 4, 1899, to the end of 1913;
(4)The Peking relief expedition between June 20, 1900, and May 27, 1902;
(5)The army of Cuban occupation between July 18, 1898, and May 20, 1902;
(6)The army of Cuban pacification between October 6, 1906, and April 1, 1909;
(7)The Mexican punitive expedition between March 14, 1916, and February 7, 1917;
(8)The Mexican border patrol, having actually participated in engagements against Mexicans between April 12, 1911, and June 16, 1919;
(9)World War I between April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1918;
(10) World War II, between September 16, 1940, and December 31, 1946, who shall have served at least 90 days in such active service, exclusive of any period of assignment (1) for a course of education or training under the Army Specialized Training Program or the Navy College Training program which course was a continuation of a civilian course and was pursued to completion, or (2) as a cadet or midshipman at one of the service academies any part of which 90 days was served between said dates; provided, that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 90-day service as herein provided;
(11) Korean conflict on or after June 23, 1950, and on or prior to January 31, 1955, who shall have served at least 90 days in such active service, exclusive of any period of assignment (1) for a course of education or training under the Army Specialized Training Program or the Navy College Training Program which course was a continuation of a civilian course and was pursued to completion, or (2) as a cadet or midshipman at one of the service academies, any part of which 90 days was served between said dates; provided, that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 90-day service as herein provided; and provided further, that any member classed as a veteran pursuant to this subparagraph prior to August 1, 1966, shall continue to be classed as a veteran whether or not the member completed the 90-day service between said dates as herein provided;
(12) Lebanon crisis, on or after July 1, 1958, who has served in Lebanon or on board any ship actively engaged in patrolling the territorial waters of that nation for a period, continuous or in the aggregate, of at least 14 days commencing on or before November l, 1958 or the date of termination of that conflict, as proclaimed by the President of the United States or Congress, whichever date of termination is the latest, in such active service; provided, that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 14 days' service as herein provided;
(13) Vietnam conflict on or after December 31, 1960, and on or prior to May 7, 1975, who shall have served at least 90 days in such active service, exclusive of any period of assignment (1) for a course of education or training under the Army Specialized Training Program or the Navy College Training Program which course was a continuation of a civilian course and was pursued to completion, or (2) as a cadet or midshipman at one of the service academies, any part of which 90 days was served between said dates; and exclusive of any service performed pursuant to the provisions of section 511 (d) of Title 10, United States Code, pursuant to an enlistment in the Army National Guard or as a reserve for service in the Army Reserve, Naval Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, or Coast Guard Reserve; provided, that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 90 days' service as herein provided;
(14) Lebanon peacekeeping mission, on or after September 26, 1982, who has served in Lebanon or on board any ship actively engaged in patrolling the territorial waters of that nation for a period, continuous or in the aggregate, of at least 14 days commencing on or before December 1, 1987 or the date of termination of that mission, as proclaimed by the President of the United States or Congress, whichever date of termination is the latest, in such active service; provided, that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 14 days' service as herein provided;
(15) Grenada peacekeeping mission, on or after October 23, 1983, who has served in Grenada or on board any ship actively engaged in patrolling the territorial waters of that nation for a period, continuous or in the aggregate, of at least 14 days commencing on or before November 21, 1983 or the date of termination of that mission, as proclaimed by the President of the United States or Congress, whichever date of termination is the latest, in such active service; provided, that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 14 days' service as herein provided;
(16) Panama peacekeeping mission, on or after December 20, 1989 or the date of inception of that mission, as proclaimed by the President of the United States or Congress, whichever date of inception is earliest, who has served in Panama or on board any ship actively engaged in patrolling the territorial waters of that nation for a period, continuous or in the aggregate, of at least 14 days commencing on or before January 31, 1990 or the date of termination of that mission, as proclaimed by the President of the United States or Congress, whichever date of termination is the latest, in such active service; provided, that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 14 days' service as herein provided;
(17) Operation "Desert Shield/Desert Storm" mission in the Arabian peninsula and the Persian Gulf, on or after August 2, 1990 or the date of inception of that operation, as proclaimed by the President of the United States or Congress, whichever date of inception is earliest, who has served in the Arabian peninsula or on board any ship actively engaged in patrolling the Persian Gulf for a period, continuous or in the aggregate, of at least 14 days commencing on or before the date of termination of that mission, as proclaimed by the President of the United States or Congress, whichever date of termination is the latest, in such active service; provided, that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 14 days' service as herein provided;
(18) Operation Northern Watch and Operation Southern Watch, on or after August 27, 1992, or the date of inception of that operation, as proclaimed by the President of the United States, Congress or United States Secretary of Defense, whichever date of inception is earliest, who served in the theater of operation, including in the Arabian peninsula and the Persian Gulf, and in direct support of that operation for a period, continuously or in the aggregate, of at least 14 days in such active service, commencing on or before the date of termination of that operation, as proclaimed by the President of the United States, Congress or United States Secretary of Defense, whichever date of termination is the latest; provided, that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability while engaged in such service shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 14 days' service as herein provided;
(19) Operation "Restore Hope" in Somalia, on or after December 5, 1992, or the date of inception of that operation as proclaimed by the President of the United States or Congress, whichever date is earliest, who has served in Somalia or on board any ship actively engaged in patrolling the territorial waters of that nation for a period, continuously or in the aggregate, of at least 14 days in such active service commencing on or before March 31, 1994; provided that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 14-day service as herein provided;
(20) Operations "Joint Endeavor" and "Joint Guard" in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on or after November 20, 1995, who served in such active service in direct support of one or both of the operations for at least 14 days, continuously or in the aggregate, commencing on or before June 20, 1998, and (1) was deployed in that nation or in another area in the region, or (2) was on board a United States naval vessel operating in the Adriatic Sea, or (3) operated in airspace above the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina; provided that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person completed the 14-day service requirement;
(21) Operation "Enduring Freedom", on or after September 11, 2001, who served in a theater of operation and in direct support of that operation for a period, continuously or in the aggregate, of at least 14 days in such active service commencing on or before the date the President of the United States or the United States Secretary of Defense designates as the termination date of that operation; provided, that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability while engaged in such service shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 14 days' service as herein provided; and
(22) Operation "Iraqi Freedom", on or after the date the President of the United States or the United States Secretary of Defense designates as the inception date of that operation, who served in Iraq or in another area in the region in direct support of that operation for a period, continuously or in the aggregate, of at least 14 days in such active service commencing on or before the date the President of the United States or the United States Secretary of Defense designates as the termination date of that operation; provided, that any person receiving an actual service-incurred injury or disability while engaged in such service shall be classed as a veteran whether or not that person has completed the 14 days' service as herein provided.
"Veteran" also means any honorably discharged member of the American Merchant Marine who served during World War II and is declared by the United States Department of Defense to be eligible for federal veterans' benefits.
L.1983,c.391,s.1; amended 1991, c.389, s.30; 1991, c.390, s.6; 1995, c.406, s.4; 2001, c.127, s.5; 2001, c.128, s.4; 2003, c.197, s.4; 2005, c.64, s.4.