43:8C-4 - Additional service credits, PFRS, PERS; conditions
43:8C-4 Additional service credits, PFRS, PERS; conditions.
4. a. For employees who are members of the Police and Firemen's Retirement System of New Jersey, pursuant to P.L.1944, c.255 (C.43:16A-1 et seq.), an incentive program for retirement may provide additional months of service credit for an employee who has 20 or more years of service credit on the last day for retirement under the incentive program, so that the employee shall have an aggregate amount of service credit under the retirement system of no more than 30 years on the effective date of retirement. In no case shall more than 60 months of additional service credit be provided under the incentive program.
b.For employees who are members of the Public Employees' Retirement System of New Jersey, pursuant to P.L.1954, c.84 (C.43:15A-1 et seq.), or a county or municipal retirement system, an incentive program for retirement may provide not more than 60 additional months of service credit for an employee who has 20 or more years of service credit on the last day for retirement under the incentive program.
c.An incentive program may require one or more of the following criteria: a minimum number of years of service credit in a retirement system, a minimum number of years of service with the local unit, or a minimum age for eligibility to participate in the program.
d.An employee who receives an incentive benefit for retirement or termination of employment under P.L.1999, c.59 (C.43:8C-1 et seq.) shall forfeit any tenure, civil service, or other employment right for continued employment or for return to employment based upon the employment for which the employee receives the incentive benefit.
e.When the needs of the local unit require the continuation in service of an employee who elects to retire and receive an incentive benefit under P.L.1999, c.59 (C.43:8C-1 et seq.), the effective retirement date of the employee may be delayed, with the approval of the governing body of the local unit and the agreement of the employee, until the first day of any month not later than the twelfth month after the last date for retirement under the incentive program. If an employee whose retirement is delayed under this subsection dies before the retirement becomes effective, the retirement shall be effective on the first day of the month after the date of death of the employee, unless the employee's beneficiary for retirement benefits requests in writing to the board of trustees of the retirement system that benefits payable for death in active service be paid on behalf of the employee.
f.An employee retiring with an incentive benefit under P.L.1999, c.59 (C.43:8C-1 et seq.) who has not paid the full amount of a loan from the retirement system by the effective date of retirement may repay the loan through deductions from the monthly retirement benefits in the same monthly amount which was deducted from the member's compensation immediately preceding retirement, until the balance of the amount borrowed with interest at the statutory rate is repaid. If the retiree dies before the outstanding balance of the loan and interest is repaid, the remaining balance shall be repaid as provided in the laws governing the retirement system for repayment of loans.
g.Notwithstanding the provisions of the laws governing the retirement system, an employee purchasing service credit to qualify for a benefit under P.L.1999, c.59 (C.43:8C-1 et seq.) may, for each affected retirement system, purchase a portion of the service credit which the employee is eligible to purchase.
h.If the incentive program is approved and implemented, the actuary to the affected retirement system shall determine the full amount of the liability of the retirement system for the incentive program including the liability for the additional service credit and the earlier retirement of employees under the incentive program in accordance with the assumptions used by the retirement system to determine the full liabilities of the system. The local unit shall pay the amount of the liability determined by the actuary to the retirement system in a lump sum or through annual installment payments with regular interest at the rate used by the retirement system to determine liabilities and to estimate investment return for a period approved by the Director of the Division of Pensions and Benefits in the Department of the Treasury which shall not exceed 15 years. The local unit shall pay the cost for the actuarial work to determine the full liability of the retirement system if the incentive program is approved and implemented. If the local unit does not make payments for the liability, the cost of the actuarial work, and administrative expenses in a timely manner, the local unit shall be subject to interest and penalties on the payments on the same basis provided for late payment of employer contributions to the retirement system under the laws and rules governing the retirement system.
i.The Director of the Division of Pensions and Benefits in the Department of the Treasury shall provide a local unit with information on the estimated liability for the proposed incentive program, and actual liability if the program is approved and implemented. If the program provides additional service credit to employees under the Public Employees' Retirement System of New Jersey, pursuant to P.L.1954, c.84 (C.43:15A-1 et seq.) or the Police and Firemen's Retirement System of New Jersey, pursuant to P.L.1944, c.255 (C.43:16A-1 et seq.), the director shall provide the eligible employees of the local unit with information on the benefits they would receive under the incentive program, and other appropriate assistance, to enable employees to decide whether to accept the incentive benefit and retire from the retirement systems if they accept the incentive benefit.
j.The powers, duties and responsibilities related to retirement systems under P.L.1999, c.59 (C.43:8C-1 et seq.) for county and municipal retirement systems shall be exercised and performed by the governing bodies of the retirement systems.