45:15-16.57 - Requirements for developers of timeshares; application, registration
45:15-16.57 Requirements for developers of timeshares; application, registration.
8. a. A developer who sells, offers to sell, or attempts to solicit prospective purchasers in this State to purchase a timeshare interest, or any person who creates a timeshare plan with an accommodation in the State, shall register with the commission, on forms provided by the commission or in electronic formats authorized by the commission, all timeshare plans which have accommodations located in the State or which are sold or offered for sale to any individual located in the State.
b.Upon the submission of an application approved by the commission, the commission may grant a 90-day preliminary registration to allow the developer to begin offering and selling timeshare interests in a timeshare plan regardless of whether the accommodations of the timeshare plan are located within or outside of the State. Upon submission of a substantially complete application for an abbreviated or comprehensive registration under this act, including all appropriate fees, to the commission prior to the expiration date of the preliminary registration, the preliminary registration will be automatically extended during the registration review period provided that the developer is actively and diligently pursuing registration under this act. The preliminary registration shall automatically terminate with respect to those timeshare interests covered by a final public offering statement that is issued before the scheduled termination date of the preliminary registration. The preliminary registration shall also terminate upon the issuance of any notice of rejection due to the developer's failure to comply with the provisions of this act.
To obtain a preliminary registration, the developer shall provide all of the following:
(1)Submit the reservation instrument to be used in a form previously approved by the department with at least the following provisions:
(a)The right of both the developer and the potential purchaser to unilaterally cancel the reservation at any time;
(b)The payment to the potential purchaser of his or her total deposit following cancellation of the reservation by either party;
(c)The placing of the deposit into an escrow account; and
(d)A statement to the effect that the offering has not yet received final approval from the commission, and that no offering can be made until an offering plan has been filed with, and accepted by, the commission;
(2)Agree to provide each potential purchaser with a copy of the preliminary public offering statement and an executed receipt for a copy before any money or other thing of value has been accepted by or on behalf of the developer in connection with the reservation;
(3)Agree to provide a copy of the reservation instrument signed by the potential purchaser and by or on behalf of the developer to the potential purchaser;
(4)Provide evidence acceptable to the commission that all funds received by the developer will be placed into an independent escrow account with instructions that no funds will be released until a final order of registration has been granted;
(5)Submit the filing fee for a preliminary registration as provided for by regulation. The filing fee shall be in addition to the filing fees for an abbreviated or comprehensive registration as established by this act;
(6)File all advertisements to be utilized by the developer under the preliminary registration with the commission before use.
All advertisements and advertising literature shall contain the following, or substantially similar, disclaimer:
"This advertising material is being used for the purpose of soliciting sales of timeshare interests.";
(7)Such other information as the commission may require in order to further the provisions of this act, to assure full and fair disclosure and for the protection of purchaser interests.
c.Prior to the issuance of an order of registration for an abbreviated or comprehensive registration, the commission may issue a conditional registration approval for a timeshare plan if the filing is deemed to be substantially complete by the commission and the commission determines that the deficiencies are likely to be corrected by the applicant in a reasonable time and manner. Once the commission issues a conditional registration approval, the applicant may begin entering into purchase contracts with the purchaser and provide the purchaser with the most current version of the public offering statement; however, no rescission period may begin to run until the final approved public offering statement is delivered to the purchaser. If there is no material difference between the documents provided to the purchaser pursuant to the conditional registration and the documents approved as part of the final order of approval, then those documents need not be delivered again to the purchaser. All purchase contracts that are executed under the authority of a conditional registration approval shall contain the following provisions:
(1)No escrow will close, funds will not be released from escrow, and the interest contracted for will not be conveyed until a final approved public offering statement for the timeshare plan is furnished to the purchaser.
(2)The contract may be rescinded, in which event the entire sum of money paid or advanced by the purchaser shall be returned if the purchaser or lessee is dissatisfied with the final public offering statement.
(3)The term for a conditional registration approval shall be six months from the date of approval by the commission, and may be extended upon application to the commission for an additional six month period.
d.A developer shall include in its application for registration with the commission, the following information:
(1)The developer's legal name, any assumed names used by the developer, and the developer's principal office location, mailing address, primary contact person and telephone number;
(2)The name, location, mailing address, primary contact person and telephone number of the timeshare plan;
(3)The name and principal address of the developer's authorized New Jersey representative who shall be a licensed real estate broker licensed to maintain offices within this State;
(4)A declaration as to whether the timeshare plan is a single-site timeshare plan or a multi-site timeshare plan and, if a multi-site timeshare plan, whether it consists of specific timeshare interests or non-specific timeshare interests;
(5)The name and principal address of all brokers within New Jersey who sell or offer to sell any timeshare interests in any timeshare plan offered by the developer to any person in this State, who shall be licensed as a real estate broker pursuant to R.S.45:15-1 et seq., and who are the authorized representatives of the developer;
(6)The name and principal address of all non affiliated marketing entities who, by means of inducement, promotion or advertisement, attempt to encourage or procure prospective purchasers located in the State to attend a sales presentation for any timeshare plan offered by the developer or authorized broker;
(7)The name and principal address of all managing entities who manage the timeshare plan;
(8)A public offering statement which complies with the requirements of this act; and
(9)Any other information regarding the developer, timeshare plan, brokers, marketing entities or managing entities as required by the commission and established by the commission by regulation.
e.The developer shall comply with the following escrow requirements:
(1)A developer of a timeshare plan shall deposit with an escrow agent all funds which are received during the purchaser's cancellation period set forth in section 18 of this act, into an escrow account in a federally insured depository or a depository acceptable to the commission. The deposit of such funds shall be evidenced by an executed escrow agreement between the escrow agent and the developer. The escrow agreement shall include provisions that funds may be disbursed to the developer by the escrow agent from the escrow account only after expiration of the purchaser's cancellation period and in accordance with the purchase contract, subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(2)If a developer contracts to sell a timeshare interest and the construction of any property in which the timeshare interest is located has not been completed, the developer, upon expiration of the cancellation period set forth in section 18 of this act, shall continue to maintain in an escrow account all funds received by or on behalf of the developer from the purchaser under the purchase contract. The commission shall establish by rule the type of documentation which shall be required for evidence of completion, including but not limited to a certificate of occupancy, a certificate of substantial completion, or equivalent certificate from a public safety inspection agency in the applicable jurisdiction. Funds shall be released from escrow as follows:
(a)If a purchaser properly cancels the purchase contract pursuant to its terms, the funds shall be paid to the purchaser or paid to the developer if the purchaser's funds have been previously refunded by the developer.
(b)If a purchaser defaults in the performance of the purchaser's obligations under the purchase contract, the funds shall be paid to the developer.
(c)If the funds of a purchaser have not been previously disbursed in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, they may be disbursed to the developer by the escrow agent upon the issuance of acceptable evidence of completion of construction as provided herein.
(3)In lieu of the provisions in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, the commission may accept from the developer a surety bond, bond in lieu of escrow, irrevocable letter of credit or other financial assurance acceptable to the commission. Any acceptable financial assurance shall be in an amount equal to or in excess of the lesser of the funds which would otherwise be placed in escrow in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection, or in an amount equal to the cost to complete the incomplete property in which the timeshare interest is located. However, in no event shall the amount be less than the amount of funds that would otherwise be placed in escrow pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(4)The developer shall provide escrow account information to the commission and shall execute in writing an authorization consenting to an audit or examination of the account by the commission on forms provided by the commission. The developer shall comply with the reconciliation and records requirements established by rule by the commission. The developer shall make documents related to the escrow account or escrow obligation available to the commission upon the commission's request. The escrow agent shall maintain any disputed funds in the escrow account until either:
(a)Receipt of written direction agreed to by signature of all parties; or
(b)Deposit of the funds with a court of competent jurisdiction in which a civil action regarding the funds has been filed.
f.The commission may accept, as provided by regulation, an abbreviated registration application of a developer of a timeshare plan in which all accommodations are located outside of the State. The developer shall provide evidence that the timeshare plan is registered with the applicable regulatory agency in a state or jurisdiction where the timeshare plan is offered or sold, or that the timeshare plan is in compliance with the laws and regulations of the applicable state jurisdiction in which some or all of the accommodations are located, which state or jurisdiction shall have disclosure requirements that are substantially equivalent to or greater than the information required to be disclosed pursuant to subsections b. and c. of this section to purchasers in this State. A developer filing an abbreviated registration application shall provide the following:
(1)The developer's legal name, any assumed names used by the developer, and the developer's principal office location, mailing address, primary contact person and telephone number;
(2)The name, location, mailing address, primary contact person and telephone number of the timeshare plan;
(3)The name and principal address of the developer's authorized New Jersey representative who shall be a licensed real estate broker licensed to maintain offices within this State;
(4)The name and principal address of all brokers within New Jersey who sell or offer to sell any timeshare interests in any timeshare plan offered by the developer to any person in this State, who shall be licensed as a real estate broker pursuant to R.S. 45:15-1 et seq., and who are the authorized representatives of the developer;
(5)The name and principal address of all non-affiliated marketing entities who, by means of inducement, promotion or advertisement, attempt to encourage or procure prospective purchasers located in the State to attend a sales presentation for any timeshare plan offered by the developer or authorized broker;
(6)The name and principal address of all managing entities who manage the timeshare plan;
(7)Evidence of registration or compliance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which the timeshare plan is located, approved or accepted;
(8)A declaration as to whether the timeshare plan is a single-site timeshare plan or a multi-site timeshare plan and, if a multi-site timeshare plan, whether it consists of specific timeshare interests or non-specific timeshare interests;
(9)Disclosure of each jurisdiction in which the developer has applied for registration of the timeshare plan, and whether the timeshare plan or its developer were denied registration or were the subject of any disciplinary proceeding;
(10) Copies of any disclosure documents required to be given to purchasers or required to be filed with the jurisdiction in which the timeshare plan is located, approved or accepted as may be requested by the commission;
(11) The appropriate fee; and
(12) Any other information regarding the developer, timeshare plan, brokers, marketing entities or managing entities as required by the commission and established by the commission by regulation.
A developer of a timeshare plan with any accommodation located in this State may not file an abbreviated filing with regard to such timeshare plan, with the exception of a succeeding developer after a merger or acquisition when the developer's timeshare plan was registered in this State prior to the merger or acquisition.
L.2006, c.63, s.8.