45:6-57.1 - Inactive status list
45:6-57.1. Inactive status list
A licensed dental hygienist may apply to the board for inactive license status on a form furnished by the board. Upon receipt of the completed inactive status application form the board shall place the licensee on an inactive status list. While on the list, the person shall pay an inactive license renewal fee in an amount prescribed by the board and shall not practice dental hygiene within the State.
A person on the inactive status list who wants to resume the practice of dental hygiene shall apply to the board for a current biennial certificate of registration and shall pay the prescribed registration fee. Any person who has been on the inactive status list for five or more years shall furnish the board with satisfactory evidence of current knowledge and skill in the practice of dental hygiene as required by regulation of the board.
P.L. 1988, c. 31, s. 3.
45:6-58.Penalties11. Any person practicing dental hygiene in this State without first having obtained a license as provided by this act, or without the current biennial certificate of registration, or contrary to any of the provisions of this act, or any person who fails to comply with the provisions of section 9 of P.L.1979, c.46 (C.45:6-56), except a person on the inactive status list, or who practices dental hygiene or works as a registered dental assistant or limited registered dental assistant under a false or assumed name, or buys, sells or fraudulently obtains a diploma or certificate showing or purporting to show graduation or completion of a course in dental hygiene or dental assisting, or who violates any of the provisions of this act, shall be liable to a penalty of $300.00 for the first offense and of $500.00 for the second and each subsequent offense.
L.1979,c.46,s.11; amended 1988,c.31,s.2; 1995,c.367,s.5.
45:6-60.Disorderly persons offense; fines
13. Any person, company or association who commits any of the following acts is a disorderly person, and upon every conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than $300.00 nor more than $500.00 or by imprisonment for not less than 30 days nor more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment:
a. Selling or bartering, or offering to sell or barter, any diploma or document showing or purporting to show graduation as a dental hygienist or dental assistant;
b. Purchasing or procuring by barter any such diploma, certificate or transcript with intent that it be used as evidence of the qualifications of the holder to practice dental hygiene or work as a registered dental assistant or limited registered dental assistant, or in fraud of the laws regulating such practice or work;
c. With fraudulent intent, altering in a material regard, such diploma, certificate or transcript;
d. Using or attempting to use such diploma, certificate or transcript which has been purchased, fraudulently issued, and counterfeited or materially altered, either as a license or registration or color of license or registration to practice dental hygiene or work as a registered dental assistant or limited registered dental assistant, or in order to procure registration as a dental hygienist; or
e. In any affidavit or examination required of an applicant for examination, license or registration under the laws regulating the practice of dental hygiene or dental assisting, willfully making a false statement in a material regard, or impersonating another applicant at an examination.
L.1979,c.46,s.13; amended 1995,c.367,s.7.
45:6-61.Penalty for violations by dentist
14. Any licensed dentist who shall permit any unlicensed or unregistered person to practice dental hygiene or work as a registered dental assistant or limited registered dental assistant under his direction or control or shall permit or direct a licensed dental hygienist, registered dental assistant or limited registered dental assistant to perform any act not authorized in this act shall be guilty of a violation of this act and of conduct constituting willful and gross malpractice or willful and gross neglect in the practice of dentistry.
L.1979,c.46,s.14; amended 1995,c.367,s.8.