48:3-98.1 - Electric, gas public utilities energy efficiency and conservation programs, investments, cost recovery; terms defined
48:3-98.1 Electric, gas public utilities energy efficiency and conservation programs, investments, cost recovery; terms defined.
13. a. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law or rule or regulation to the contrary:
(1)an electric public utility or a gas public utility may provide and invest in energy efficiency and conservation programs in its respective service territory on a regulated basis pursuant to this section, regardless of whether the energy efficiency or conservation program involves facilities on the utility side or customer side of the point of interconnection;
(2)an electric public utility or a gas public utility may invest in Class I renewable energy resources, or offer Class I renewable energy programs on a regulated basis pursuant to this section, regardless of whether the renewable energy resource is located on the utility side or customer side of the point of interconnection; and
(3)the board may provide funding for energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy improvements through the societal benefits charge established pursuant to section 12 of P.L.1999, c.23 (C.48:3-60), the retail margin on certain hourly-priced and larger non-residential customers pursuant to the board's continuing regulation of basic generation service pursuant to sections 3 and 9 of P.L.1999, c.23 (C.48:3-51 and 48:3-57), or other monies appropriated for such purposes. The board may also direct electric public utilities and gas public utilities to undertake energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy improvements, and shall allow the recovery of program costs and incentive rate treatment pursuant to subsection b. of this section.
b.An electric public utility or a gas public utility seeking cost recovery for any program pursuant to this section shall file a petition with the board to request cost recovery. In determining the recovery by electric public utilities and gas public utilities of program costs for any program implemented pursuant to this section, the board may take into account the potential for job creation from such programs, the effect on competition for such programs, existing market barriers, environmental benefits, and the availability of such programs in the marketplace. Unless the board issues a written order within 180 days after the filing of the petition approving, modifying or denying the requested recovery, the recovery requested by the utility shall be granted effective on the 181st day after the filing without further order by the board. Ratemaking treatment may include placing appropriate technology and program cost investments in the respective utility's rate base, or recovering the utility's technology and program costs through another ratemaking methodology approved by the board, including, but not limited to, the societal benefits charge established pursuant to section 12 of P.L.1999, c.23 (C.48:3-60). All electric public utility and gas public utility investment in energy efficiency and conservation programs or Class I renewable energy programs may be eligible for rate treatment approved by the board, including a return on equity, or other incentives or rate mechanisms that decouple utility revenue from sales of electricity and gas.
c.Within 120 days after the date of enactment of P.L.2007, c.340 (C.26:2C-45 et al.), the board shall issue an order that allows electric public utilities and gas public utilities to offer energy efficiency and conservation programs, to invest in Class I renewable energy resources, and to offer Class I renewable energy programs in their respective service territories on a regulated basis. The board's order shall be reflected in rules and regulations thereafter to be adopted by the board pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.).
d.As used in this section:
"Class I renewable energy program" means any regulated program approved by the board pursuant to this section for the purpose of facilitating the development of Class I renewable energy in the State.
"Energy efficiency and conservation program" means any regulated program, including customer and community education and outreach, approved by the board pursuant to this section for the purpose of conserving energy or making the use of electricity or natural gas more efficient by New Jersey consumers, whether residential, commercial, industrial, or governmental agencies.
"Program costs" means all reasonable and prudent costs incurred in developing and implementing energy efficiency, conservation, or Class I renewable energy programs approved by the board pursuant to this section. These costs shall include a full return on invested capital and foregone electric and gas distribution fixed cost contributions associated with the implementation of the energy efficiency, conservation, or Class I renewable energy programs until those cost contributions are reflected in base rates following a base rate case if such costs were reasonably and prudently incurred.
L.2007, c.340, s.13.