5:12-150 - Penalties
5:12-150. Penalties
150. Penalties. a. Any licensee who shall fail to file his return when due or to pay any tax or deposit when the same becomes due, as herein provided, shall be subject to such penalties and interest as provided in the "State Tax Uniform Procedure Law," Subtitle 9 of Title 54 of the Revised Statutes. If the commission determines that the failure to comply with any provision of this Article was excusable under the circumstances, the commission may remit such part or all of the penalty as shall be appropriate under such circumstances.
b. Any person failing to file a return, failing to pay the tax or deposit, or filing or causing to be filed, or making or causing to be made, or giving or causing to be given any return, certificate, affidavit, representation, information, testimony or statement required or authorized by this act, or rules or regulations adopted hereunder which is willfully false, or failing to keep any records required by this act or rules and regulations adopted hereunder, shall, in addition to any other penalties herein or elsewhere prescribed, be guilty of a crime of the fourth degree and subject to the penalties therefor, except that the amount of a fine may be up to $100,000.00.
c. Except as to those determinations required to be made by the commission pursuant to section 149 of P.L.1977, c.110 (C.5:12-149), the certificate of the State Treasurer to the effect that a tax or deposit has not been paid, that a return has not been filed, that information has not been supplied, or that inaccurate information has been supplied pursuant to the provisions of this act or rules or regulations adopted hereunder, shall be presumptive evidence thereof.
d. If any part of any underpayment of tax required to be shown on a return is due to fraud, there shall be added to the tax an amount equal to 50% of the underpayment.
L.1977,c.110,s.150; amended 1987,c.354,s.22; 1991,c.182,s.59; 1993,c.292,s.35.