5:3-42 - Certification of type required for operation of ride; exceptions
5:3-42. Certification of type required for operation of ride; exceptions.12. a. Except as permitted by this section and sections 13 and 15 of P.L.1975, c.105 (C.5:3-43 and 5:3-45), no carnival-amusement ride, including a modified carnival-amusement ride, shall be operated, installed or used in the State unless the manufacturer has obtained a carnival-amusement ride type certification from the department. Except as permitted by this section and sections 13 and 15 of P.L.1975, c.105 (C.5:3-43 and 5:3-45), no ride shall be modified unless the manufacturer has provided the information required by this section and the manufacturer has obtained type certification for the ride as modified. The following information, prepared by a licensed professional engineer or other qualified person acceptable to the department, together with such additional information as the department may require, shall be provided to the department for review:
(1)A safety analysis of the ride and ride equipment, which identifies, recognizes and mitigates any reasonably foreseeable safety hazards in the ride, identifies its accommodation of riders and users, and identifies its operation and maintenance. The analysis shall be a comprehensive, thorough review and assessment of the ride that utilizes an organized, step-by-step, feature-by-feature process. The analysis shall be documented in detail, listing those reasonably foreseeable safety hazards that are identified and describing the means used to mitigate each hazard;
(2)A detailed load and stress analysis, including fatigue life protections where appropriate, and recommendations for those nondestructive tests as may be reasonably necessary to prevent failure under load;
(3)A detailed set of installation and erection instructions indicating loads to be carried by site-built foundation or support structures;
(4)A periodic maintenance and inspection schedule required to be carried out by owners and operators and necessary to ensure continued safety; and
(5)Operation procedures and training requirements for ride operators and attendants, including training regarding any safety-based limitations on who may ride.
The department may waive the requirements of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection a. for a ride which has previously received a New Jersey serial number or is determined to be timeed.
b.Each manufacturer of a new carnival-amusement ride, including, without limitation, a modified ride, to be erected, used or installed in this State, shall have a written quality assurance program used or to be used in conjunction with the design, manufacture, construction, modification or reconditioning of the ride. Quality assurance documents, including material certifications, test reports and inspection reports, shall be provided to the department upon request by the department and shall be retained by the manufacturer for such periods of times as the department may by rule require.
c.A type certification shall continue to be valid only so long as the manufacturer continues to provide technical support for the ride and shall, in any event, be valid for a period of three years or whatever shorter period the commissioner approves and shall thereafter be subject to renewal.
d.No information submitted in support of a type certification application that is designated by the manufacturer as being of a proprietary nature shall be considered a public record. All type certification applications shall be reviewed in accordance with rules in effect as of the date that the design for the ride was first contracted for; except that any safety bulletin that is applicable to rides of that type shall govern, regardless of the date of the contract.
e.A person, other than the manufacturer, may obtain a supplemental modification certification from the department upon submission of all of the information required of a manufacturer and upon review by the department for conformity with the codes and standards adopted pursuant to P.L.1975, c.105 (C.5:3-31 et seq.).
f.A complete application for type certification or supplemental modification certification shall be either approved or denied within 30 days of the date of filing. In the event of a denial, a written statement of the reasons for the denial shall be provided to the applicant.
L.1975,c.105,s.12; amended 2001, c.166, s.7.